Chapter 42

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Jaden August

"Babe you ready ?" I asked Jalen as I walked with him to the locker room
"Yeah baby, last home game. Bouta be poppin" he laughed as he had he arm around me
"Ew don't say that" I laughed
"You ready though?" He asked me
"I can't play today babe, they haven't cleared me from last week" I said
He still doesn't know I'm pregnant. I told my coach the situation and I told her if I could still go on game trips and go to the practices just so Jalen wouldn't be suspicious.
"Man babe" he said with a sad smile
"It's okay, it's all worth it" I whispered the last part and smiled
"Alright babe, I'll see you inside" he said as he kissed me gently but so passionately
"I love you, you're gonna kill it" I smiled
"Thank you baby" he said and walked into the locker room
I went into the girls locker room.
"Hey my loves!" I yelled when I walked in there
"Bitch you still ain't cleared?" My friend Allison said
"Nope" I said with a sad face
"Ahhh man, I mean you're lucky it's gonna be an easy W or I would have bear your ass" she laughed
"You guys got this. Ima be cheering in from the sideline

After our game it was Jalens game
They announced all the seniors they're family went up there took pictures. Did all that and then it was game time!
The whole team was on a roll. They literally made everything. As a team they probably had about 20 assists and it was just the first quarter.
I already know they're gonna win after this game so I might take him to go eat after and then that's when I'll tell him.
Yeah that's the plan.
The game was over and they won. Towards the end it was a close game.
"Goood job baby" I yelled as I ran up to him when he came out the locker room
"Thank you baby" he said as he kissed me
"Ima take you out to eat, pick whatever you want. My treat" I smiled as I held his hand walking him to the car
"Wait can I come" Jordan yelled
"Noooo" I said
"Let him come baby" Jalen said
"No babe cause it's gonna be a surprise there for you" I said
"Okay baby, don't start crying" Jalen said hugging me
"Ima hit you tomorrow" Jalen said to Jordan
"Awe man you're wack" Jordan said walking away
We got into the car and I started driving
"You don't even know what I want" he said laughing
"I know what you want" I laughed
"Right" he said as he gripped my thigh as I drove
"Just relax" I said looking at him
Man this man is so fine!
We pulled up to his favorite place to eat
"Babe !" He smiled
"What?" I said
"You know I love this place" he kissed me
"Duuhh" I said laughing
We got in and we got what we wanted
"So what's the surprise" he said
"Babe!" I smiled
"Tell me" he said
"You have no idea what it could be" I smiled
"Baby you know I hate guessing, tell me" he whined
"Just guess" I laughed
"Are you asking me to marry you? I'm supposed to ask you" he said
"No J!" I laughed cause this nigga was really pressed
"Does it have to do with us?" He said
"Yes" I said
"Our future?" He said with a smile
I just nodded with a smile
"Jade are you pregnant?" He said shocked
I just nodded
"Babe" he said as he put his hand over his mouth
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He said getting up and hugging me
"You were so worried about basketball, I wasn't tryna worry you." I said as he kissed me
"But I wanted to be with you this whole journey though" he gave me this sad face
"No babe, I was chillin. But I wanted to tell you now cause I just couldn't hold it in anymore" I said as the waiter gave us our food
"Man I'm excited" Jalen said looking at me
"I am too baby"
"You haven't told anyone?" He asked me
"No just you" I said as I started eating
"I got you mf pregnant J!" He yelled
"Baby eat your food" I laughed

We got home and he insisted that we tell his mom. But I mean why not you know.
"Mama!" He yelled
"What ! I'm in the kitchen" she yelled back
"Guess what?l he said
"Huh" she said while doing the dishes
"J's pregnant!" He yelled
"Giirrrllll !! Gooood luck" he laughed as she came and hugged me
After all that happened we went into his room.
"Baby if it's a boy what are we gonna name him or man if it's a girl she's gonna have all your beautiful features" he said rambling
"Baby relax, I'm sooo happy you're excited about this I really am, but calm down okay" I laughed as I straddled him
"I know baby. Ima have a mini me though. Someone that's half and half of me and you. We did that" he said as he rubbed my stomach
"I know love" I bent down and I kissed him
"I love you so much baby" he said
"I love you so much more my love" I said as we kissed again
"Ima be the best I can be for you and our child. I promise" he said
"I know you will baby. That's the only reason why I agreed with you" I said
"You really are beautiful baby"  he said caressing my face
"And you are mighty fine yourself" I said laughing
He flipped us over
"Is that why you haven't been letting me have none?" He said kissing my neck
I just nodded and laughed cause it tickled
"Man" he said laughing
"I've been sexual frustrated but I don't even feel like that no more cause I know you did it for a good reason" he said kissing all over my body
"I really got the baddest female alive pregnant" he said staring right at me
"I mean" I said being cocky
"Ew no, don't do that" he laughed

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