Chapter 38

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Jaden August

Y'all it's officially basketball season !! You don't understand how happy I am ! I'm bout to get my senior year on since last year I basically didn't play. I'm hyped !
I woke up dummy early. It's first day of tryouts, don't know why I woke up early. Jalen usually be waking me up, I'll let him sleep in this time. I turned off his alarm and I started getting ready.
I hate this, Jalen don't even gotta try out. That nigga already made the team. I mean boys varsity already got their team. But me, I gotta tryout. Bogus if you ask me.
It's been really cold lately. To the point where I gotta wear 2 jackets but I be rocking like a hoodie and then a jean jacket over. If you don't like it, sorry. I'm not here to impress you! That's for all my haters. Ahhh whatever, anyways I got dressed, put my hair into a slick bun, don't forget the baby hairs ! I went downstairs and I started making breakfast for Jalen.
"Well good morning. I see you guys switched roles" jalens mom said as she was sitting at the table
"Good morning. But yeah I decided to let Jalen sleep in a little, he always wakes me up. Thought we switch it up a little bit and make breakfast for him" I said smiling
"I really like you. So glad this boy picked a good one" his mom said smiling
I continued to make breakfast then my timer went off to go wake up Jalen.
I ran up the stairs and I woke Jalen up.
"Baby wake up, get dressed. I'm making you breakfast" I said as I kissed all over his face
"Like that?" He smiled as he stretched
"Yes baby, come on" I said as I kissed him one more time
I ran back down stairs just so I wouldn't burn anything.
"He up?" She asked me
"Yeah I just woke him up" I said
"Y'all so cute. Let me get out the way" she said as she was gonna wash her coffee cup.
"I'll wash it" I said smiling
"You sure ? No it's okay you're making that boy food" she said
"Mama I got it" I said laughing
"Okay okay, you got it" she smiled as she walked away
I made Jalen Eggs, bacon, sausage, and some has browns. He better enjoy that shit.
"Hey baby" he said kissing me on my lips
"Hi bubba, you want some toast with all this?" I asked him
He just nodded.
We ate then we went to school.
First day of tryouts were cool or whatever. I met more people. It's gonna be a lit year.
"How was tryouts" Jalen said as we met outside the gym
"It was cool, way better than last years tryouts" I laughed
"Ahhh you're gonna be straight. This is an athletes school, so it's gonna be a different experience" he said as he started driving.
"Yeah I hope. What did you guys do?" I asked him
"We just ran over plays and conditioned." He said while grabbing my hand
"Let's put some BT on" I said as I connected to blue tooth
"Baby nooo" he laughed
"Yes siirrr" I said as I turned my volume up on my phone
"Ahhh something tells me we gon last baby, we gon last baby!!!" I yelled at Jalen
"Cut that shit out J" he laughed as he grabbed my face
"This our song bubba, stop" I laughed as I moved his hand
"I know baby" he said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it
"I can't wait until we have our own little family, our kids, just our own little life together" I said looking at him as my hand was still on his lips
"Me too baby, I can't wait. Let me get settled and just situated so I can provide for us" he said looking at me
"You got it dude" I laughed

We made it home and we took a shower. LETS SAVE WATER YALL !
"Babe get my back yo" I laughed
He was washing everything but my back
"Shhh" he laughed
We got out the shower and we just chilled.
"Ima tell josh to come over" Jalen said getting up
"Okay" I said
"Why you saying it like that?" He said
"I'm not saying it like anything" I said
"You don't want him coming over or what?" He asked
"Its not that" I said
"Then what?" He said getting up
"Nothing he's just be acting weird ever since what happened over the summer, you know" I said going on my phone.
"Babe he isn't even worried about that" he said kissed my forehead
"That's what you think" I said
"Okay" he said and walked to the bathroom.
Fuck these niggas ima go see my mama.
I got up put on a long sleeve and a hoodie, some sweats and my slides.
"Ima go to my moms" I told Jalen through the door.
"Fr?" He said
"Yeah" I said looking at him
"Whatever J" he said laughing and walked passed me.
I went and got inside the car. I know I messed up. I shouldn't be mad at the fact that Josh don't like me like that no more. But still that happened a good 5 months ago. Get over it.
I pulled up to my moms and knocked on the door.
"Mama open the door, it's cold out here" I yelled
"I'm coming" she yelled
"Hey baby" she said hugging me
"Hi mama, how's everything" I asked her
"It's going good. How's school and Jalen? I haven't seen y'all in a minute" she said giving me the eye
"I mean everything good. I'm good with life right now" I smiled
"That's good baby. I'm glad" she said
"You hungry, you want some food?" She said getting up
"Mom no it's fine, I just came over to talk." I laughed
"Nah you ain't pregnant right?" She said
"No mom I can't just come over" I said
"Y'all fighting or something. You didn't just come over" she said
"I mean his friend is coming over but he don't like me no more because of what I did over the summer. So I wasn't tryna be there" I said
"Ohhh right" she said
"What" I laughed
"You did that boy wrong. And ima tell you" she said
"I know mom but I'm still making up for it. We're good" I said
"You better be nice to him. He loves you. I would have left your as" she said
"Mom!" I laughed
"Whatever child" she said getting up.
Jalen Green
"Yooo, what's good" I said opening the door for josh
"What's up man, long time no see" josh said coming in
"What's the tea !" I said laughing
"Nothing much, I mean I'm just tryna get Cam pregnant" he laughed
"You're dumb bro" I said laughing
"Let's play 2k come on" I said as we went to my room
"Where's Jaden" josh asked
"She went to her moms. She said you don't like her so she left" I said
"Mmh right" he said
"So you don't?" I asked him
"I mean she's just weird now you know." He said sitting on the bed
"That's my baby man." I said looking at him as I sat on my chair
"I know bro, but I don't like people doing my family wrong" he said
"Yeah I get you bro. She done made up for it though. I know it was just a mistake." I said as I started the game
"I know she loves you man. I just be holding a grudge on people" he said
"You better cut that shit out"! I laughed
"Whatever bro, shut up and play" he said looking at the game

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