Chapter 36

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Jalen Green

It's been about 30 minutes since J left. It ain't fun when she's not with me.
"Aye bro I think I'm bout to leave. My girl left cause she got mad" I said looking at Jordan
"Man, just take a couple of drinks with me" he said
He was still drunk I don't know how he's able to last this long.
"Alright just like 1 or 2 though." I said as I followed him into the kitchen
"Here take this and this. But not at the same time" he said handing me two drinks
"That's good" I said after the first shot
"Do this one" he said pointing to the other one
I took it and that shit was nasty
"Nah nigga tf you giving me. That's straight alcohol. That's nasty" I said as I got a cup and I put sprite in it
"That's the point JG4" he said looking at me like I was dumb
"Give me the first one you gave me" I said
"Aahhh bet" he said
He had got a red cup and poured it in there. It wasn't even a shot.
"Now mix either that lemonade or sprite with it. And there you go. You got yourself a drink" Jordan said and he walked away
"What am I gonna do with this dude." I whispered
"Woah, shit my bad" this girl said falling into me
"Nah you're straight. You good though" I asked her as I helped her off the floor
"Yeah I'm good, thank you. This floors slippery. Niggas don't know where their mouth is or what?" She said irritated
"Yeah maybe you shouldnt have worn heels" I laughed
"Haha very funny" she said
"I'm Jalen" I said as I put out my hand
"Alicia" she said and smiled
"You good though, you drunk?" I asked her
"Why you gonna take advantage of me if I was drunk?" She asked
"Nah I actually got a girlfriend. I was just wondering for your safety" I said
"Oh shit my bad. It's just you know how guys are" she said embarrassed
"You're good, I understand" I said
"It was nice meeting you Jalen" she smiled and walked away
I'm so glad Jaden isn't like this.
I got my cup and I was sipping on it tryna find other people I know.
"Jaaleeennn Greeeen! I didn't know you were here" Jack said coming up to me
"Aye J, he almost got into a fight for tryna take someone girlfriend. Can you keep an eye on him. I gotta go pee" Coleman said and walked away
"You good Jack?" I laughed
"Never better. Where's your girlfriend at? I bet she's looking real good" he laughed
"Yeah don't do this Jack" I laughed as I took him to go sit down.
I sat down too cause I was starting to get a headache.
"Shit" I whispered.
"You got yourself a drink right?" Jack looked at me
I nodded.
"That's good at least you're having fun" he said
I took another drink until it was gone.
I needa pee now.
I went to find a bathroom and surprisingly there was no one in there.
I went and did my thing washed my hand and as I was gonna open the door I stumbled back a bit.
Nah nigga don't get light head on me now. I said to myself.
I started going in circles. What was in that drink Jordan gave me ?
I sat on the bathroom floor for a good 10 minutes and it was just getting worse.
I just started yelling. But no one heard me over the music.
I called Jaden.
"Baby... come get me please. I can't breathe. I don't know what's going on" I said into the phone
"Where you at?" She said
She sounded scared.
"The the bathroom love. Hurry please" I said into the phone.
I don't cry but I was about to start crying. I was in so much pain. My head hurt like a bitch. I was seeing stars and circles.
I heard the knob rattle but I didn't wanna open it.
"Baby you in there. It's Jaden" I head her say
"I can't see the door handle babe!" I yelled in a scared way
"Baby feel for it, please!" She yelled
She sounded like she was crying. She beat me to it.
"I'm only seeing black babe" I said I as reached towards the door. I couldn't see nothing. I could barely breathe.
I finally got the door to open and she just hugged me while we were on the floor.
"Baby you okay?" She said
"No babe" I said as I gripped her shirt.
"Tell me what's wrong?" She said in the most relaxed voice ever but I know she was scared
"I can't see, I can barely feel. My head is going in circles. I feel like I'm going in circles". I whispered into her chest.
"Come on were taking you to the hospital." She said as she got up.
"No baby I can't go. I was drinking." I said
"I don't care Jalen! You shouldn't be feeling like this" she said
"Just take me home please. I just wanna lay with you" I said as I was still sitting on the floor.
"Baby please. Just let me take you" she said
"I just need to take a shower and go to sleep and I'll feel better" I said
"Okay, if you're not better, I'm taking you to the hospital" she said as she started helping me up

After a good 15 minutes to get me to the car we finally made it.
"What did you take?" She asked me
"I was drinking this drink that Jordan told me to drink and then all of a sudden I just felt like that" I said with my eyes closed and my seat all the way back.
"Okay baby. We're almost home" she said as she grabbed my hand and rubbed it
"Mmmhh" I groaned cause I got another headache.
"Here, drink this" she said putting a water bottle in my lap
I drank it all.
We got to the house and she helped me up stairs.
"You want a bath or a shower?" She asked me
"I just wanna take a quick shower and then cuddle with you" I said
I was kinda getting my vision back but it was still blurry.
"Okay come on" she said as she helped me to the bathroom.
She helped me take my clothes off and she got me into the shower. I just stood under there for 15 minutes and it helped a lot. I got my vision back but I was still going in circles and I still had a bad headache.
"Come on J" she said
I got out and she gave me some underwear and I went to the bed.
"Let me lay on you baby" I said
"Come here, you feeling better?" She said
"Yeah way better but I still feel horrible" I said
"Wait let me give you some aspirin" she said as she went inside her drawer and got me some and a water
I took it and I just laid on her chest.
"Thank you baby. I appreciate you" I whispered
"I love you and I'm always here" she whispered as she kissed my forehead and played in my hair.
She made everything better just by being there.
My nigga Jordan wouldn't have put nothing in that drink right ? Can't trust no mfs out here.
And with that I went to sleep.

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