Chapter 41

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Alright y'all, we're gonna start coming to an end. I feel like this story has gone over its limit. But there definitely will be a sequel, so just keep that in mind 😭

Jalen Green

It's been 4 months since the whole conversation with Jaden about having a baby happened. I honestly don't even think she wants to have a kid. She doesn't even like having sex no more like we used to. I told her if she wasn't trying to, then to tell me and I won't pressure her.
"Baby you ready?" She asked me coming into the room
"Yeah" I said putting my shoes on
"Mmh you look good" she said hugging my waist
"Thank you baby, you always look good though" I said as I grabbed her ass
"Stop it" she laughed
"I'm tryna get you pregnant girl" I laughed
"I know you is" she mumbled
"Come on let's go" she said as she grabbed my hand
This what I'm talking about.
We were gonna go to the park with Cam, Josh, and some of the other boys.
"You wanna eat before we go?" I asked her
"No it's okay" she said
"Can you put some music on?" I asked her
She just nodded
"Why you acting like that J" I said looking at her then back on the road
"Like how?" She said
"I don't know. Just something up" I said
"Nothing's wrong" she said looking at me
I didn't even let it get to me. She'll either tell me or I'll find out. That's not something I can control.
We got to the park and Cam and Josh were already there.
"Bessttiieee !" Cam said running up to Jaden
"Hey babies" she said smiling
"How you guys been?" She said looking at us
"Pretty good, you?"  Me and Jaden said at the same time
"That's good and I've been amazing" she said looking at josh
"You're dumb" Jaden said laughing
"Come on let's go" Josh yelled from the court
"Is that my baby mama Jaden" Jack said
"Man I'm tired you bro. Is there a day you don't hit on my girlfriend" I laughed as I shook up Jordan
"Mmmh Nah" Jack said
"What are the teams" Namari said shaking everyday up
"Me Josh Cam and Jaden, then you Jack and Jordan" I said
"Ohhh I'm not playing" Jaden said coming to me
"Why not?" I asked
"Well one the teams are uneven and cause my head hurts" she said hugging my waist
"Fr baby, you okay?" I asked her
"Yes love, ima just drink water over here" she said as she kissed my chest and sat down in the shade
I watched her as she walked away. That women is beautiful from head to toe!
"Bitch you ain't playing ?" Cam yelled
She just laughed and shook her head
"It's cause she sucks and she doesn't want me to dunk on her" Jordan said
"Nigga you're 5'2 get on my level" Jaden said laughing
"Whatever, lets play" josh said

Jaden August

Y'all caught the drift right ? I'm pregnant but I'm tryna surprise Jalen. I don't know how. I'm only 2 months so Im not tryna jinx it or anything. Nobody knows but me. Ima surprised Jalen don't know.
I've been drinking water everyday all day. I want my baby to be healthy.
My baby daddy gonna be a good dad.. shit he better be this was his idea. Nah but I'm excited for this journey with him.
"Baby can you get me some water" Jalen said after their first game.
I got up and I just gave him some of my water.
"Thank you baby" he said
"Here" I said as I gave him another shirt
"For what?" He asked as he drank all my water
"Bubba you're sweating everywhere, you're not uncomfortable" I laughed
"No babe" he smiled
"Okay okay" I said
He handed me my water that's all gone
"And you drank all my soda" I yelled at him as he walked away
"Shut up New New" he laughed
they played like 2 more games and then some mini games then we decided to go eat somewhere.
"So where we going?" Cam asked
"Sonic?" Josh said
Jalen looked at me. He knows how much I love my sonic.
"Bet!" I said
"She hungry" Jordan laughed
Fuck no.
I just looked down, cause my feelings be hurt after niggas be saying shit like that. Especially cause these hormones and shit.
"Let's go" Jalen put his arm around me and we walked to the car
"I'm coming with you" Jordan said
"No you ain't nigga" I yelled at him
"Man whatever" he said and walked back to Namaris car
"Baby stop" Jalen laughed
"That nigga basically called me fat." I said
"Awwee my baby". Jalen said as he kissed my neck
"Sonic was basically our first date right?" Jalen looked at me as we got into the car
"Yeah you can say that" I said laughing
"I mean josh and Dior were with us, but it still counts" he said
"Your birthdays coming up" I said looking at him
"I know" he smiled
"What you want?" I asked
"To be honest with you, I just wanna cuddle with you. We can go get breakfast in the morning come back home eat snacks and watch movies. You know something simple but meaningful" he said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it
"Mmmhh we can rearrange for something like that" I smiled at him
"Bet baby" he said as he smiled at me
We got to sonic and Jalen was gonna order for me. This is really the only time I've ate something that wasn't healthy. I can reward myself right ?
"You wanted the chicken tender sandwich right, with a strawberry limeade?" He came and sat next to me
I just nodded and kissed him
"Awe you remember" I said
"Babe we use to come here allll the time" he laughed
"I know I know" he said
"Bitch you glowing and shit. You be getting the good dick from Jalen or something?" Cam said sitting next to me
Jalen just shook his head.
I know he's mad. He's been sexually frustrated cause we haven't had sex since I found out I was pregnant, he thinks it's someone else but I have my reasons..
"Girl shut up, the fuck you yelling for?" I laughed
"I'm just tryna get on your level that's all" she said in her defense
My food came and I was grubbing. Like I said I haven't ate unhealthy food in a good 2 months. My body was ready. My baby was ready for this sugar.
"Baby, you have mayonnaise on your lip" Jalen said laughing wiping it off
"Thank you" I smiled at him
"That good girl" Jordan said laughing
"Nigga what is your problem. You're literally coming at me side ways for no reason" I said looking at him
"J I'm just messing with you" he said as he sipped his drink.
"Right" I said as I kept eating
I'm not gonna let him ruin my food cause this shit good.

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