Chapter 20

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Jalen Green

"My love" I whispered as I got into the bed with Jaden

We were currently still at the hospital, I just found out that our baby died.

"I didn't protect her" Jaden whispered

"What" I asked

"I didn't fight for her... all I was doing was just lying there as they kicked me. This is my fault" she whispered as she turned around and cried in my chest

"Baby I know you did everything you could do. It's my fault I didn't check on you earlier" I said as I hugged her

"You gotta go to your game today." She said

"What are you talking about? I'm staying here with you" he said

"No, my mom said that they can release me because they got it right when it happened" she said as she looked at me

"I'm not going to my game" I said as I hugged her

45 minutes later

"Jaden?" someone said opening the door

It was Eric

"Hey Anthony" Jaden whispered

"You doing okay?" he said

"I just lost my damn baby; do you think I'm okay" Jaden yelled at him

"I'm sorry Aug..." he said as he put his flowers, he bought her

"Thanks for coming man. I appreciate it" I said shaking him up

"Keep me updated. I shouldn't be here" Eric said

"Forsure bro" I said to him

"She's gonna make you go to our game today. Don't fight it. She's too stubborn to just let you win" he said as he closed the door

"He's right" she whispered

"I need to stay here with you" I said to her

"You're going to your game because I'm coming with you" she said getting up

"Are you allowed to even get up?" I asked her

"Yeah what time is it?" she said

"About to be 5" I said

"Perfect come on" she said opening the door

"Can you take it easy please?" I said as I got up and held the door for her

"You wanna come live with us again?" Jaden's mom said

"No, I'm gonna stay with Jalen" She said

YES! I don't want my baby leaving.

"Are you sure its gonna be okay with your mental state?" She asked

"Ima be fine mom" she said as she hugged her mom

"Drink a lot of water, you lost some blood" her mom whispered to her

"I love you so much and this isn't your fault. You tried your best" her mom said to her

"I love you too" Jaden said as she looked at the floor

We walked to the car and I just looked at Jaden.

"You are so strong, beautiful, and you deserve the absolute world. I'm for sure gonna give you that. This maybe wasn't our time right now but were gonna be blessed to have another kid baby. You're not going anywhere and I'm not going anywhere. We're in this together" I said to her while I held her hand

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