I have several question... Why?

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Cross-testing #3

SCP-120117 and SCP-1471

O.C: Neutral, Euclid

A.K.A: Werewolf Puppy of the Twilight Island, MalO ver. 1.0.0.

Entry log:

"This will be long, why this one. Why can't be SCP-999 or SCP-131? Plus 1471 can cause suicide but... whatever" -Dr. Aaron Graham

Plan: We're gonna put SCP-120117 at the containment cell and let it use MalO ver. 1.0.0. and let it take effect, We're going to supply 120117 of what's she needs to survive the testing.

SCP-120117 is placed in the containment cell with no resistance, A phone with MalO ver. 1.0.0. installed in it. We taught SCP-120117 basic usage of a phone, this should take around 90 hours for the full effect to set in.

SCP-120117 just did her usual behavior, MalO sends messages, as planned. 120117 views it as taught, 24 hours later SCP-120117 spend her time in singing songs which had effects on the staff members observing, they experience drowsiness but nothing bad. 64 days later hallucinations haunts SCP-120117 but she doesn't get bothered by it, the 90 hours of exposition to SCP-1471. Staff members note of a sudden change to SCP-120117's behavior.

"We have noticed the sudden change of SCP-120117's behavior on the 90 hours of this experiment 120117 is usual seen sitting down staring at the phone while singing songs. This time, however she is standing up with ears up and alerted, eyes more bigger, and just seem to stare at the phone more with blinking lessens to 1-2 blinks per minute, the phone is now at the corner and 120117 at the opposite side. We've also noted that Oxygen levels are going down more than the other days, more Co2 levels are present..." Dr. Joshua Fernando

Just as a message texted on the phone the light started to flicker, followed with SCP-120117 growls and as the light stopped, SCP-120117 looked at SCP-1471 which is now approaching SCP-120117. Growling became more and more louder as trying to make MalO back off or to stop, just as SCP-1471 is atleast 1 meter from SCP-120117, the Twilight Pup went invisible and a moment later SCP-120117 tackled SCP-1471 and both SCP's fell over, SCP-120117 steps at SCP-1471 abdomen and with one hand placed her hand to SCP-1471's chest, SCP-1471 recovered from what happened and looked at SCP-120117 while SCP-120117 stared at MalO. SCP-120117 stared at 1471 through her skeletal eyes, while SCP-1471 stared back at SCP-120117's pair of glowing red and blue eyes.

Around 1 minute of staring each other down, SCP-120117 backed off letting SCP-1471 free. SCP-120117 retreated to a corner and sat down while SCP-1471 just sat up and stared and 120117 which is now have her face buried to her arms and knees tucked to her chest. at the time it was silence in the containment cell.

"At this time everything is silenced, we only see SCP-120117 sitting at a corner with her face buried in her arms while knees are tucked to her chest. thermal imaging shows SCP-1471 with her in the room just staring at SCP-120117. So far no activity is shown by both SCPs" -Dr. Richard Buckingham

An hour later the silence is broke by SCP-1471 and began to talk to SCP-120117

Audio log containment:


"... Hi"

"How are you?"



"I'am... ok..."

"Good to hear!'

"kirr'sherm... a'kth shifrru. yuirr kl'ia rras'zum?" (im bored, are you bored?)



*continued silence*

At this point not much happened apart from some small talk and SCP-1471 going near SCP-120117 and sitting next to her, 4 hours later SCP-120117 just fell asleep, and SCP-1471 went back to the phone. After some time SCP-120117 is set free

"There you go 120117, your free. Now we're just going to destroy that phone, while we do it you can get back to your cel-"

"no... dont"


"let MalO be with me, he's good..."

"sure, whatever makes you happy..."

next containment breach >:3

to be continued*

SCP-120117Where stories live. Discover now