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SCP-120117, SCP-076

Object Class: Neutral, Keter

Item Name: Twilight Wolf, Able

SCP-120117 was sitting in a corner entertaining herself with her magic while Malo is resting with the pups, Unik is watching his mom's magic when a staff member enters SCP-120117's containment.

"120117, you have a cross-testing. Let's test your health first"

SCP-120117 looked over to the doctor and comforts Unik and leaves, SCP-120117 follows the doctor while getting escorted by one guard. They crossed the canteen and SCP-073 was eating there, SCP-120117 stopped and stared at SCP-073 before getting called out by the doctor. They reached the clinic and started monitor 120117's health, SCP-120117 finished her health check-up, SCP-120117's attention goes back to SCP-073 which he's going through the hall. SCP-120117 starts walking to SCP-073.

"Hehe... she doesn't bite right?" SCP-073 asked the doctor

"120117!" the doctor called out to SCP-120117

Scp-120117 let out a low growl at the doctor and returned her attention to SCP-073, she touched SCP-073 and SCP-120117 morphed into SCP-073 and later returning back. SCP-120117 proceeded to follow the doctor again.

SCP-120117 started freaking out half way to SCP-076's containment so SCP-120117 have to be restrain, once SCP-120117 reached the elevator to SCP-076's containment, she just sat down. SCP-120117 entered SCP-076's containment site and the restrains is taken out and SCP-120117 wandered around before turning her attention to SCP-076-A. SCP-120117 looked at her paw and used magic, some time later SCP-076-B emerged. 

SCP-076 pulls out a sword and charges for the door but SCP-120117 tripped SCP-076, SCP-076 got up and looked at SCP-120117. SCP-120117 morphed into SCP-073 and SCP-076 went into rage, he charged at SCP-120117 and striking down his sword but SCP-120117 teleport away and morphed back and pulled out her sword.

"The story of Cain and Abel which are written in the Bible." SCP-120117 spoke

SCP-076 begin to rage more

"Cain and Able is the son of Adam and Eve, Cain took care of the farm while Abel of life stocks." SCP-120117 continued to speak

"Shut up..." SCP-076 told SCP-120117 while grasping his sword tighter

"God asked for offer, Cain offered grains and vegetables from his farm while Abel offered a lamb from his life stock. God took Abel's offer but not Cain's offe-" before SCP-120117 could finish SCP-076 charged at SCP-120117, SCP-120117 swung her sword disarming SCP-076.

Without recovering from her attack, SCP-076 pulled out another sword and sliced SCP-120117's cheek. SCP-120117 punched SCP-076 in the stomach and tried to land another sword strike but SCP-076 blocked her attack with his sword. SCP-120117 kicked SCP-076 away to break their sword locks, SCP-076 pulled another sword to dual wield. SCP-120117 put her sword away and took out her scythe, at this heat of battle. Only the strongest will win this deathmatch, SCP-076 now in pure rage while SCP-120117 remained calm.

Combined Modified Element Breathing,First and Fifteenth Form. Reaping Souls with Thundering Blade SCP-120117 went all out.

SCP-076 and SCP-120117 charged at each other, SCP-120117 swung her scythe above SCP-076, SCP-076 tried to block the attack but when their blades made contact, 076's blade broke and 120117's blade smashed 076's skull killing him instantly.

The battle is over and SCP-120117 won and only walked away with one scar across her cheek. SCP-120117 returned to containment. The battle lasted for 4 hours and 30 minutes.

SCP-120117/ Karma official sketch

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SCP-120117/ Karma official sketch

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