Hehe... ship

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SCP-120117 is visiting a friend, the Doctor was reading some old books he had. He heard the containment door open, he got up and put his book a side, he didn't expect company today. The doctor thought.

"You got a special visit, 049" said a D-class

the Doctor just nodded while getting to another containment cell for the visit.

SCP-049 is now at the meeting site, SCP-120117 is already there

"Ha'iy, 049" (Hey, 049)

"Bonjour, 120117" (Hello, 120117)

they were now left alone in the room.

"So, your wondering why I would visit you, well first I would like to see my friend and second..."

"What's the second reason, 120117?"

"Im offering you something..."

"What offer?" the Doctor is a bit confused on 120117's second reason

before 120117 could say some thing the monitoring staff members interupted

"SCP-120117 is your planning a containment breech, we will strictly limit your freedom in the Foundation."

"Silence! Ape with no hair in white clothing" SCP-120117 jokingly yelled

the Doctor just chuckled

"Ok, 049. Je ne peux pas les laisser entendre mon plan mais je vais te faire voir l'amour de ta vie et bien sûr mon bateau pour naviguer ..." with a smirk on her face (Ok, 049. I can't let them hear my plan but I'm gonna make you see the love of your life and ofcourse my ship to sail...)

The Doctor is just suprise of 120117's French but also confused of what the Wolf said "Ship" and "Love of my life"

"Alors, docteur. Tu veux voir 035?" (So, Doctor. Wanna see 035?)

The Doctor blushed a bit

"Bien sûr, pourquoi pas?" (Sure, why not?)

120117 laughed innocently

Both SCPs shacked hands and head of to their day

Midnight, SCP-120117 used her power to speak through her mind and talk to 049, 049 was startled by this power

"Hey, Doc"


"chill is just me, 120117"

"O-oh sorry"

"So you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be"

SCP-120117 kidnapped a D-class and teleported to 035's chamber and put the mask on the D-class

"Ah, so good to move again... wait Who are you?"

"Shhh, don't be too loud. Anyways I'm the person who will let you hang out with you love"


"Just wait, he's waiting..."

SCP-120117 teleported to 049's room and grabbed 049 to teleport to 035.

boom their together, SCP-120117 put 049 with 035 and left them "alone"

well 120117 just became invisible and watched them

Both 049 and 035 chatted and stuff

4:05 a.m.

"well, Doc... uhh can I... erm"

"hmm?" the Doctor turned his attention to 035

"C-can I... kiss you?" 035 spoke almost just speaking to him self

"S-sure, I guess" both SCPs blushed

just as 035 lean to kiss 120117 interrupted (why 120117 you ruined it)

"Guys erm... sorry for ruining your moment but we gotta go their searching for us"

"O-oh uhh sorry maybe next time, 035?"

"uhh i fell bad just a quick kiss go on" 120117 smirked

"let's do it?" 049 spoke embarrassed

035 kissed 049 for a solid 10 seconds

"Ok guys your making me feel like a ship deal, let's go"

Both SCPs hugged each other as a good bye as 120117 teleported 049 to his chamber

well more ships?

to be continued*

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