Dang it Dr. Bright

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After 6 months of getting contained and 1 month of being free to leave containment as being harmless, SCP-120117 spent her day by exploring the foundation's different sites and of course a D-class assigned to hold SCP-120117's ear muffs. SCP-120117 found SCP-343's containment cell, with curiosity . Took a peek in the room, SCP-120117 stared at SCP-343 while SCP-343 read a book while drinking tea. A moment later SCP-343 noticed SCP-120117.

"Hello, my child! What do you need?"

SCP-120117, a bit shy just went the other direction and went on exploring. An hour later, SCP-120117 is half way on exploring site 14 and encountered Dr. Bright. Like any staff members, SCP-120117 ignored Dr. Bright, But Dr. Bright blocked her path and asked the D-class some question.

"Hey you, 1429087. Who is this little fella?"

"Oh well sir she's SCP-120117."

"Object class?"

"Neutral, sir"

"Ah so this is the new SCP contained and had a new object class?"

"Yes Doc"

*turned to SCP-120117*  "So SCP-120117 Im Dr. Bright, I hope your enjoying stay here!"

SCP-120117 just stared at Dr. Bright with glowing dead eyes

"Your cute did you know that, Pup?"  *proceeds to pet SCP-120117*

SCP-120117 started to growl while blushing

"uhh sir I think is time to leave her alone..."

"Don't be silly! Look she likes it"

5 seconds later SCP-120117 bit Dr. Bright but not hard is just a warning


SCP-120117 then proceeds to fashion her head fluff and proceeds to explore the site more

"Sorry sir, told ya thats enough"

5 hours later SCP-120117 proceed to head back to her containment, 2 hours later SCP-120117 just collapsed from tiredness near SCP-343's room. SCP-343 investigated the loud thud and saw SCP-120117.

"Oh my goodness!" *proceeds to carry SCP-120117 to his containment and using his godly power create a small bed for 120117 and laid her there while checking for injuries*

10 hours later SCP-120117 woke up and saw SCP-343 which is now speaking to her.

"Good morning, what happend yesterday. I just heard a loud noise and saw you laying there?"

"Im... just tired... from stuff"

"oh well get some rest while you can"


30 minutes later*

"well thanks for your help, I'll be going now"

"sure anytime my dear"

SCP-120117 proceeds to head back and do her usual schedule

to be continued*

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