Restoring 1471

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SCP-120117 woke up without any signs of 1471, she's a little upset but she has a plan.

Since Senpai is a ghost and I'm in control of Life and Death due of me being a demigod, I might make Senpai feel alive again. SCP-120117 thought

Welp Imma go practice and stuff, It's been awhile since I brought someone back from the grave. But Senpai is different...

Welp here goes nothing

SCP-120117 roam the foundation again, stopping by 096 for company and teaching it some basic stuff, 2 hours later 120117 visited both 035 and 049, and for 682... Their friendship is not going well, all it does is trying to kill everything in the world. Heh, dumb lizard, I'm a Demigod of Balance, both Life and Death along with Karma. 120117 thought

SCP-120117 went back to containment and rested, 1471 reappear to 120117 again which did scared 120117

"You scared me, Baka!"

"Hehe, sorry pup"

"So... we need to talk..."

"hmm, why? Is there a problem?"

"Well no... back do you want to be..."

"Be what?"

"Alive again?"

"I mean... I do but this is kinda better."

"Oh, well do you want to have the power to change between a ghost and a living being if you wanted too?"

"That would be cool"

"Welp, there you go but you have to practice" with a snap of her finger

"What did you do?"

"well I'm kinda a Demigod, so I gave you the power to change between a ghost and a living being"

"Wait your a Demigod? Since when?"

"Since me and my siblings are in one body, our power combines and, well the same level as a Demigod"

"That's cool but how do I work my new power?"

"Well, we are going to practice. In a open area, so we are going to my Homeland to practice it. There is a place we used to go to to practice our powers."

Then off they go, they practiced for 6 Months. 1471 mastered his power thanks to SCP-120117

"Ok, let's practice combat."

"I'm ready"

120117 swung a wooden sword to 1471 which gone through and 1471 swung a wooden sword to 120117 which she dodge and tackled 1471 to the ground and tries to stab 1471 which gone through again. 1471 got 120117 off and tackled 120117 to the ground and place his wooden sword to 120117's neck. Both blushed but 120117 teleported and restrained 1471.

"Nice move 120117"

"Caught off ground are we?"

"Hehe sorry, you look cute at that angle"

"No matter how attractive your opponent is, never keep your guard down 'cuz this will happen."

"Yes, Ma'am"

"Good and don't call me that, besides training is over. Nice job Sen- uhh 1471"

"Right, right you can call me what your tryin' to call me, I don't mind. Pup"

"Whatever Senpai"

"Let's go back now, Pup"


They went back and ate some food, they went back to a brand new containment made for 120117, is bigger and with ventilation devices and a bed. They hang outed and stuff before resting.

SCP-120117Where stories live. Discover now