Interview of the couple

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*warning it contains: kissing.   anyways enjoy*

The interview was held in SCP-120117's containment chamber, both SCP-120117 and 1471 is cuddling each other while the interview is being conducted.

Interviewer: Dr. Raymond Jackson

Interviewee: SCP-120117 and SCP-1471

O.C. Neutral and Euclid

"OK. SCP-120117 and SCP-1471, why did you fall for each other and how?"

"Well, don't blame me it was his flirty ass that I love him" SCP-120117 replied a bit sarcastically

"Chill out, Pup. Well your typical love story, love at first sight-"

"Hold up, we didn't love each other in the cross-testing, if it weren't for your sorry ass that gave me mercy, you would have been dead." SCP-120117 interrupted

"OK, OK. that's enough, you love birds"

"As's herr' ppa. w'varrum' ischt..."(lucky still haven't killed everyone yet) SCP-120117 mumbled

"Well, SCP-120117, why did you help SCP-1471 with his heat?"

"I wouldn't if he hadn't seduced me. Besides, he looked so desperate plus his flirty ass nature got me going"

"Well, OK. SCP-1471, Why did you do it on SCP-120117 and not anyone else?"

"Well, because she the cutest girl in the universe, who else can challenge her. I mean look at her" SCP-1471 started to rub 120117's fluffy cheeks

SCP-120117 just broke...

"Well, she just broke

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"Well, she just broke. Anyways, got any plans after this you two?"

"Well, I guess?"

"Yea, 120117 is about to explode on embarrassment, 1471, better stop petting her"

"Nah, I like this"

"R E E E E E E E E E E E E E E" 120117 begins screeching and slapping 1471 to stop

"R E E E E E E E E E E E E E E" 120117 begins screeching and slapping 1471 to stop

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"Ah shi-"

15 minutes later*

"Pup, I'm sorry for petting your cheeks please forgive me" SCP-1471 begged SCP-120117 for forgiveness

"How about no"

"Please I'll do anything"


"Yes, anything"

"Well, sit here. Let me pet your tail" with a smirk on her face

"What n-no their sensitive!"

"you said anything"


After that, they finished the interview and hanged out and stuff

*ran out of ideas*

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