Termination Trails: SCP-682

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Due to SCP-120117's capabilities, staff members are voting to use SCP-120117 on terminating SCP-682. But some staff members disagree due to 120117's friendly nature and only attacking once provoked. But in July 2, 2020, the permission to take termination trials is granted by Dr. *****, Dr. ***** and other council members like the O-5.

Termination Trials: SCP-682

Object Used: SCP-120117


SCP-682 is putted to sleep and is supposed to be awake within 15 minutes, SCP-120117 entered the chamber and began exploring but only later entertained by some bones 5 minutes before SCP-682 wake up. 5 minutes later 682 awoke from the tranquilizers effect, 682 regained consciousness and checks its surrounding, the reptile found SCP-120117 at the southern corner. 682 is confused but none the less approached the Wolf, the only noise noted to be heard is the cracking of bones and some rustling, 682 closes the distance of 45 feet from 120117, SCP-120117 stood up and turned to SCP-682 while a bone in her jaw.

SCP-120117 just stared at 682, the reptile knew that the Pup will not attack without being provoked which the reptile started to talk with 120117.

"Why are you here?"

SCP-120117 just tilts her head to the right

"Ah, I see your not that smart..."

SCP-120117 which was offended, breaks the bone in her jaw before chewing on it then spiting it out.

"Pardon? Look chameleon face, I ain't dumb"

"Oh? Well I'll just gonna have you as my diner..."

"Diner? Oof have mercy, at least let me die when I say so, you lizard shi- uhh I mean, gecko man... wait no no no, ah whatever I could think more if you clean your room"

"Pardon? Your not my mom, you can't control me"

"Oh... well I guess I'll go seduce your dad and then but I'm you mom, well step mom..."

"Shut it, plus your not gonna make it out alive anyways..."

"Wanna bet?"

SCP-682 charged at SCP-120117 but SCP-120117 teleported to the northern wall and watching 682 slam to the wall

"Pfft, sorry. Gonna cry now?~"

"I have enough of this..."

682 grew it's tail longer and hits SCP-120117 to a wall enough to crack the wall.

"Ugh, I'm hit... I'm hit Daddy~" with a smirk on her face

682 pauses to process what he heard before approaching SCP-120117

"Oh? Your approaching me, instead of giving up. Your coming up to me?~"

"I'm approaching you so I can kill you..."


682 closes to 10 feet from SCP-120117 before picking her up

"Uhh, can we talk about this, I can help you t-trust me..."

"Too late..."

682 opened his mouth to eat SCP-120117

"Oh yeah, your breath stinks. but we can not do this, we can talk about this... yes?"

682 just ate SCP-120117 without saying anything

A muffled voice is heard and noted movement in 682's abdomen

120117 pov*

Dang it, is stinks in here! Well I guess time to get violent. Plus I'll earn his trust by healing him from what I'll do and then offer him cookies. Everyone likes cookies right?

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