Family Reunion

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SCP-120117 went back to the Twilight Island to get memories back, she went alone with her siblings.

"Well, we're here..." Wolfirr said

"Well, now what?" Zack asked

"Maybe we can play, like the old times." Wolfy suggested

"That sounds fun, I'm in!" Kai voted happily

"Visiting places or exploring?" Ales'x suggested

"Well I would like to show you guys something but it's only I know..." Wolfirr spoke nervously

"Where?" the four siblings asked their eldest brother

"Well follow me..."

They all followed their Older Brother into a small hill where the nightly Moon shines, on the hills peek stood two gravestones. On the gravestones has writing written in Ancient Twilight.

"Herr' pru'du andirr, Alpha u Twalatan'irr."(Here lays the Great Alpha of the Twilight Island)

"Herr' pru'du andurr, Alpha'i u Twalan'irr" (Here lays the Great Apha Female of the Twilight Island)

"Brother, what's this...?"

"Our parents..."

Both Kai and Ales'x approach the graves and starts crying, Zack comforted his two younger siblings. Wolfirr just lean against the nearby tree, Wolfy started to cry a little.

"Why brother, why not soon?" Wolfy asked Wolfirr

"I'm trying to protect you gu-"

"Protect us? PROTECT US?!"



"Excuse me? No I'm not the weak one here, I just not ready. OK?"

Wolfy ignited her blade and pointed to Wolfirr.

"Oh? Sis this fight isn't worth it, Mum and Dad is not gonna be happy"

"Sis, enough. Please..." Ales'x begged Wolfy

"Whatever..." Wolfy turned her blade off and just sat down on a rock

"Well one last thing, here a message before our parents died"

Wolfirr made a hologram of the last messages of their Parents

"Honey take the kids and run, Wolfirr your in charge of your siblings. I love you all, Their here go!" their dad's last message before he died

"Sweetie, stay strong for me ok? Take care of Siblings for us. Go run and hide on that cave, whatever you hear don't come out ok? Mum love you guys, Bye" their mum's last message before she dies

Everyone all started to cry even Wolfirr just hearing their parents last sentences

their were all silent at the graves for 4 hours Ales'x tries to comfort Kai which was crying and later fell asleep. They became one again and head back to the foundation.

SCP-120117 hanged out with 1471 for comfort and stuff.

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