Sweetness of destruction

184 1 0

Incident #120117-2


A staff member was curios about SCP-120117's bite force that is rated to crush Sapphire, instead of giving her a strong piece of mental the staff member gave her a jawbreaker candy as quote on quote 'Jaw breaking strength'. SCP-120117 did break the jawbreaker candy with one chomp, the large amount of sugar in the jawbreaker candy was enough to trigger SCP-120117's sugar rush.

Containing her was nothing but a living hell, her sugar rush was very intense as far as able denting a concrete wall whenever she slides of from the floor due to her sugar rush which increased her speed, it took almost a day to calm her down, 20 hours to be exact. after that SCP-120117 slept a full 30 hours, the jawbreaker candy given to SCP-120117 has at least 90 grams of sugar present, some test is again held to know how many grams of sugar that SCP-120117 can handle.

The testing is very dangerous as the incident before lead to 1 critical injuries and 4 minor injuries, SCP-120117 showed no change in behavior no 20-39 grams, on 40 grams, SCP-120117 showed light headedness and nausea. on 50g. SCP-120117 started to vomit and can't stand which she sat down, at this point staff members can't go testing any further and concuds the experiment.

Due to this, any sweets or food with more than 35g. of sugar in it are to be out of reach from SCP-120117. This protocol isn't to strict as SCP-120117 will not eat anything too sweet as she claims to make her dizzy.

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