Incident 120117-1

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SCP-120117 is walking with SCP-1471 when SCP-120117 glazed at a D-class who was drinking coffee, SCP-120117 stopped walking and stared at the D-class. SCP-120117 approached the D-class and started sniffing it, a minute later SCP-120117 looked at the D-class and closing one eye leaving the red eye open, the eye became blank and started shifting colors rapidly. The D-class is paralyzed, SCP-120117 grabbed it's head and with one quick motion, the head snapped and dislocated it.

Staff members rushed in to stop SCP-120117 but SCP-120117 didn't let them close, not even SCP-1471. The D-class screamed and shakes rapidly, SCP-120117 then lifted her hand and weird particles came off her hand, then she touched the D-class and it started to 'glitch' out, moments later the D-class reveals itself as a demon.


SCP-120117 ignite her blade and swung into the hips slicing the demon in half, before it separate the torso from the lower body, SCP-120117 turned her blade and sliced the right hip part and drove the blade upward towards the left shoulder (mirror pov), SCP-120117 then decapitates the head.

This incident proves that SCP-120117 not only can tell differences from things, they also alerted all the time, not letting a guard down. Further testing of SCP-120117 like taking of blood sample while sleeping will prove ineffective due to they alerted nature, it takes one footstep from 10 feet away for them to wake up and be alerted.

The reason behind this is unknown but the D-class did have some recorded history of terrible things like drug smuggling and kidnapping. This may trigger SCP-120117's action, further information is refused by SCP-120117, the 'demon' form of the D-class is unknown, but SCP-120117's claims of being a 'Demigod' may have something to do with this event but only SCP-120117 can answer it.

Some testing has been run to prove some theories of the incident, SCP-120117 is to be placed in a room and 3 personal will enter in with them, one who is a christian person who had no crime records or bad stuff, a typical person with some stuff but not severe, and a wanted mafia gang leader who committed murder, rape, kidnaps and other stuff.

Testing showed that SCP-120117 is docile and calm with the christian person, some alertness to the typical person but no aggression. When it came to the mafia leader, SCP-120117 showed the same way as it did to the D-class, SCP-120117 showed aggression and killed the person without hesitation.

Conclusion, SCP-120117 is more nicer to nice people and more aggressive to people who had done bad things, luckily SCP-120117 hasn't acted more of this except D-class#1029384756 but other than that, no more victims... yet

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