Protocol 120117-8

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After the whole ship, SCP-120117 is at her containment cell when SCP-120118 entered in with her. SCP-120117's face grew a shadow over it as SCP-120118 made eye contact, SCP-120117 stood up and sat down on one of the corners of her containment. 120118 just looked at her before leaving, SCP-120117 just covered her face with her arms while knees tucked into the chest.

Pov 120118*

She is cute, but their capabilities... those I can't match, but if I earn her trust... no no no their made because of what I did, ugh, whatever

SCP-1471 came to 120117 again.

"H-hey how are you?"

"I'm fine..."

"The tone of your voice doesn't, did something happen?"


1471 just sat with 120117 and tried to comfort her. 12 hours passed and 1471 disapeared SCP-120117 went to check-in 035.

"Hey, 035"

"Oh hey uhh..."

"I'm SCP-120117, just call me Karma"

"Ok, Karma so why are you here?"

"Well, I'm here to give you some pills which specially made to counter your hunger, and eat this pills 2 times a day and just behave I can't let you destroyed. I'll talk to the staff members that to keep you alive so you can be with 049."

"What happens if I run out of pills, do you have more?"

"Well it's infinite, it won't run out. But I do have another one if you loose it"

"Right, thank you for this"

"Well I'm gonna go now and talk to the staff members"

"O-ok, uhh good luck, Karma"

"And almost forget, here's some things to keep you entertain"


SCP-120117 went to talk with the staff members, but SCP-120118 placed a arm to the wall, blocking SCP-120117's path.

"Hey, cutie"

"ugh, do I have to torture you more to stay the fuck away from me?"

"Rude much?~"

SCP-120117 just teleported away and fixed some fur fluff.

"You ain't worth a fight right now, I got somewhere to be."

120117 started to walk away but 120118 grabbed her by pulling on her collar which she has on, SCP-120117 chocked a bit

"Going somewhere?"

SCP-120117 grabbed SCP-120118 and tackled him to the ground and stomped at his stomach.

"Don't touch me, you attention seeker!"

SCP-120117 just went out to talk with the staff members, after talking SCP-120117 went out to the canteen to eat dinner

A cooked buffalo will do, maybe with four-season juice, SCP-120117 thought to her self.

At the canteen, she got here diner and ate. SCP-120117 just drank her juice just as a shadow loom over SCP-120117, she turned around and saw 120118 with a smirked.

"ugh, what do you possibly want now?"

"well, I want you"

"hah very funny, maybe in your dreams but no"

"maybe you are in my dreams?"

"never, go date SCP-682."

"nah, I just want you. c'mon cutie"

Everyone is just staring at them with fear.

SCP-120117 just ignored him and minded her own business

"Hey, pup~"


SCP-120117 chugged her drink and slams it to the table and stood up

SCP-120118 is a bit scared but with confidence while everyone in the canteen panicked

SCP-120117 just ignites her blade and points it at SCP-120118.

"well that... that's just cheating"


"I didn't say I'm scared, pu-"

SCP-120117 just strikes SCP-120118 and cuts him in half while the wound scourged and burning

Just like that, SCP-120118 is now classified as... neutralized

SCP-120117, however isn't done. She starts striking of whats left of 120118 burning them as well as destroying other stuff, about 10 minutes, SCP-120117 just stopped and stared at her surrounding, people scared, unfinished foods and drinks, a burning corpse of whats left of 120118.

She just turned her blade off and head back to her containment cell.

(never provoke a girl, especially SCP-120117 lol rip 120118)

to be continued*

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