Feeding Procedure Protocol-120117

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SCP-120117's diet consist of meat, fruits, and a small varieties of vegetables. The first Protocols for her feeding procedures are to either feed her in her chamber, an empty room, or the canteen, the meals getting fed to SCP-120117 are to be prepared before SCP-120117 enters the feeding site. SCP-120117 are to be fed every day at least a 3 course meal, SCP-120117 will eat certain meals according to what her body lacks, for example 120117 lacks Vitamins C, she will eat fruits rich in Vitamins C. After SCP-120117 gave birth to SCP-120117-G,H, and I, her diet changed drastically. She only eat at least 1-2 meals and 1-3 times in a week, the protocol changes to feed SCP-120117 at least once or thrice per week.

SCP-120117 is also noted to have mood swings if left alone more than 1 hour, SCP-120117 has gotten more quiet than before. SCP-120117 is reported to make more vocal noises such as throat vibration when she's bored, eco-location or intimidation. She lets out one reported low growl whenever she passed by SCP-173's containment cell, she also hissed at SCP-682 during it's termination trials though it is faint.

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