Another one?

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SCP-120117 was meditating for an hour before opening one eye in a shocking color of white pupil and black eye. SCP-120117 quickly snapped out and later made a hologram from within her containment, the hologram revealed another wolf-like creature in a forest, the creature turned around and spoke to SCP-120117.

"Karma, A'ihk ch'e urrm?" (Karma, where are you?)

"Noi' u amdi'" (none of your business)

"Hull'e kla" muarr?" (rude much?)

"Ch'urr amirr twaluhadi! U'sh pirr muntrra!" (your the one who killed our parents just to be an alpha, you disgraceful monster!)

the creature just laughed and the hologram has ended, SCP-120117 entered a state of sadness and distress staff members panicked without having time to react, SCP-120117 broke and seperated bodies.

"Twalbru, u'she kl'i sie?" (brother who was that?)

"dat' bustarr'ish..." (that bastard...)

at this point Kanai is crying while Ales'x tried to comfort her

"Twalbru' os tai'z krru'n sei?!" (Brother whats the meaning of this?!) Wolfy is now confronting Wolfirr

Wolfirr just stared at Wolfy, a moment later Karma is once again united. SCP-120117 looked at the observation chamber and spoke.

"I'm not alone in the island..."

"time to make an old friend pay..."

They prepared for another trip to the island with SCP-120117, they made it to the island once more, SCP-120117 returned to her form and let out a howl which echoed through the cursed isle, through the mist, the "alpha" emerged to confront the surviving children of the previous alpha of the island.

"ah, I see you brought some friends over. But too bad you can't let them explore your homeland..."

"they're not here to explore, we're here for you..."

"you brought your friend just for me? I'm quiet flattered. But your weak, like your parents..."

without warning SCP-120117 teleported behind and punched the "alpha" from behind which caught the "alpha" off guard.

"shoot tranquilizers, danger-close. weapons free!" the captain commanded

gun fire and darts flies out the battling wolves, SCP-120117 redirects missed shots and into her opponent, her opponent fought back. SCP-120117 ignites her plasma blade, her red blade crackles with fiery yellow embers cracking from it's blade, it's cross-guards sky blue and with every touch of any object, it melts or set or fire. SCP-120117 strikes her opponent but misses and it's blade shrieks while melting the snowy terrain, she strikes again this time injuring her opponents in the abdomen and falling to its knee in pain while covering its wound with its arms. SCP-120117 turns off her blade and knocks her opponent out with her fist.

they returned back to the foundation, SCP-120117 took her opponent to her containment, dragging him across the floor and waited for him to wake up, 2 hours later the creature woke up now classified as SCP-120118. SCP-120117 started to torture SCP-120118 and yelling, only 20 minutes of torturing, SCP-120117 stopped and made a warning to SCP-120118 only a fool can break...

"U'shfe krruten A'isch grrawem, prrava' un'trre..."

"If you harm anyone I love, Your dead..."

After that SCP-120117 left SCP-120118 alone and went to the canteen.

SCP-120117's plasma sword ( based of Kylo Ren's cross-guard lightsaber )

(not the best drawing just made with shapes and some stuff in MS Paint but i like it)

(not the best drawing just made with shapes and some stuff in MS Paint but i like it)

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To Be Continued*

SCP-120117Where stories live. Discover now