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SCP-120117 sat down and lean against a wall, then an arm grabbed 120117 and pulled her through the wall. It was dark but still visible for 120117, SCP-120117 heard an elderly laugh behind her, she turned and saw SCP-106, the Old Man then brought SCP-120117 into a trench with ankle deep water but it was almost up to her hind feet for 120117. 

She walked through the trenches then heard a noise from above, a bird like creature with an eye on it's body flew above the no man's land. Then a gunfire followed by SCP-120117 getting shot, she held her shoulder where it was hit.

SCP-120117 healed her wound and turned to the direction where the shot came from, a young man in a soldier uniform carrying a gun with a bayonet at the barrel, the young man grinned and aimed at SCP-120117. The gun fire but SCP-120117 cut the bullet with her blade which confused 106, the old man brought 120117 into a small chamber and started to torture SCP-120117. SCP-120117 doesn't care at all with little effect to her.

"My turn..."

SCP-120117 grabbed 106 and slammed the old man to the ground which 106 went through it. 106 didn't expect this, SCP-120117 waited for 106 but the old man tries to sink her in the floor and do another way to torture 120117, but 120117 made a copy of herself and made it carry a small bomb which will be equivalent to a small nuke. 106 got the copy and notice the bomb, without realizing what it was it exploded which threw 106 to 120117.

The old man gazed into the Twilight's eyes and sank into the floor but 120117 didn't let him go and held him in the air so he can't go anywhere.

"Going somewhere?"

SCP-120117 ignited her blade once more and pointed it to 106, even bringing 120117 to 106's pocket dimension isn't enough to stop them, SCP-120117 touched 106's chest with the blade which started to burn the old man, while 106 grunts in pain and the blade screech through the empty land, SCP-120117 let go of the old man as a sign of mercy.

SCP-106 let 120117 go as well, before 120117 left 106's dimension, she dropped a cookie because why not. SCP-120117 returned to the foundation with no injuries, staff members recorded this encounter and put SCP-120117 as one of the most Indestructible SCP in the foundation.


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