"I'm sorry for not being there..."

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Start of mating season again, SCP-1471 isn't in heat but SCP-120117 is. Both SCPs helped each other again but SCP-1471 took it a bit far, 1 month later SCP-120117's mood charged drastically as well as her schedule. SCP-120117 eats 4-6 meals a day instead of 0-2 meals a day, SCP-120117 weighed just around 85-90 lbs but now is around 100-120 lbs. She is more moody even as far as showed aggression against anyone who provoked her like just as simply touching her.

SCP-120117 is more quiet than usual having only spoken 10 words max, than 50 min. 2 months later, SCP-120117 looks to gained weight, 5 months later after SCP-120117 and SCP-1471 hooked up, SCP-120117 gave birth to 3 pups. 1st pup is a male taking 1471's looks, 2nd is a female who took 120117's looks, lastly the 3rd pup is a mix of both SCPs having the same pattern as SCP-120117 and having the skull head as 1471.

SCP-120117 took care of the 3 pups before passing out an hour later due to exhaustion, lack of blood, and other stuff. SCP-1471 took care of the 3 pups. SCP-120117 has been asleep for almost for a year. SCP-1471 is worried a lot, some pressure is putted on Unik, the 3 rd pup, the name is in Twilight which means 'Unique' given by SCP-120117-F and SCP-120117-M. Unik isn't liked by Bone, the 1st pup, Laik'charr, the 2nd pup likes Unik and usually stands up for him. Laik'charr is a mix of Ancient Twilight which means '2nd Gift' which is given by SCP-120117-F.

Pregnancy for Twilights are different, having only 5 Months of incubation period within a female's womb. Gender qualifications are unique in Twilight culture, an average female weighs 80-95 lbs while males weigh on an average of 115-150 lbs. Females that are or act like males will be considered a she-male,, while Males that are not as powerful as an average male will be considered as a he-girl. 

These classifications are usually used to military training in the Twilight culture. For example, Male that are more powerful than average males will be trained for either special operation or frontline soldier, Females that are she-males will be trained either along with the males or other females.

Now it's been 2 years since SCP-120117 passed out, staff members started to think that SCP-120117 is... Neutralized. In reality, SCP-120117 is a Demigod which is using a technique to heal much like a coma, 2 years and 6 months since SCP-120117 passed out. Some movement is noticed, a week after first noticed that SCP-120117 is still alive. SCP-120117 woke up and gasping like she just awoken from a nightmare. 

SCP-120117 sat up before leaving bed, she tried to stand up which is some difficulties due to the time she was asleep. SCP-120117 got the hang of it and walk to the door. Some noise of shouting and yelling with a faint noise of crying got SCP-120117's attention. SCP-120117 opened the door and saw a D-class bleeding on the floor, SCP-120117 looked confused until she looked to the noise of crying, Bone is hitting Unik while Laik'charr could only watch and cry as her brother gets beat up.

SCP-120117 teleported the 3 pups to the Twilight arena which is in ruins Bone was confused, SCP-120117 also brought her parents and SCP-1471.

SCP-120117 walked towards SCP-120117-G (Bone), Bone didn't know that its their Mother and pushed SCP-120117 which she fell.

"Who are you? And what's this place?!" Bone asked SCP-120117

"Im sorry that I wasn't there... My pups"

"I dont even know who you are"

"Im your Mother..."

"My mom is dead old lady"

That sentence broke SCP-120117, she stood up at grabbed SCP-120117-G by the head and smashed it to the ground.

SCP-120117 approached SCP-120117-I (Unik) and SCP-120117-H (Laik'charr) and hugged them while healing Unik

SCP-120117-G grabbed a rock and smashed it to SCP-120117's head

This provoked Karma, she stood up and ignited her blade.

She thrusted the blade through SCP-120117-G not thinking twice that this is her pup

SCP-120117-F and M along as 1471 could only watch Karma back from the dead killing SCP-120117-G

SCP-120117 turned off her blade and took SCP-120117-G and cradled him in her arm.

"I'ash terr suw'verr" (Im sorry)

SCP-120117 healed SCP-120117-G, once healed she took his powers and altered his mind a bit to be what Karma expect from her eldest son.

SCP-120117 sat down in tears, not of sadness but of relief. SCP-1471 ran to SCP-120117 and hugged her

"I-I thought I lost you..." SCP-1471 started crying

"It's ok... Im here... but can your stop hugging me, I can't breathe"

"R-right..." 1471 chuckled

"Can we go home, Im tired"

"Of course pup"

They went back and SCP-120117 rested while 1471 played with the pups, SCP-120117-F and M made SCP-120117's favorite food. They hang out for the day.

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