Description of the pups

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Object Class: Keter

A.K.A. Bones


SCP-120117-G is the offspring of both SCP-120117 and SCP-1471, he bears the appearance of his Father which is SCP-1471. He also bears SCP-120117 eyes and magical powers but those powers were stripped off him by his Mother which is SCP-120117 due to being violent towards other while 120117 is in a coma like state.


Object Class: Safe

A.K.A. Laik'charr


SCP-120117-H is the offspring of both SCP-120117 and SCP-1471, she bears the appearance of SCP-120117 but has SCP-1471's white eyes. She bears SCP-1471's abilities and two abilities from SCP-120117 which is mind reading and navigation. She also bears telekinesis but not as powerful as SCP-120117.


Object Class: Safe

A.K.A. Unik


SCP-120117-I is the offspring of both SCP-120117 and SCP-1471, she bears the appearance of SCP-120117 and also bears SCP-1471's 'skull face'. He is usually harmless, she usually helps other staff members, he might in calculation, have her parents powers. SCP-120117-I has three eyes, two normal ones on where the eyes should be, but he also has another eye above the two normal eyes he have. Her two normal eyes have the same coloration as SCP-120117 but lighter, having Sky Blue and Pinky Red. His third eye, however is Pitch Black in coloration paired with a Pure White pupil. 

Testing showed that either animals, humans, or even other entities will die if eye contact was made. But SCP-120117 isn't effected, but SCP-1471, SCP-120117-F, M G, and H will get blurry vision if no less than 10 seconds of eye contact is made, tiredness if 15 minutes, and hallucinations more than 20 minutes of eye contact. The stages can be hasten by SCP-120117 but, with practice, SCP-120117-I can do it as well.

sorry if im not posting daily, those chapters were made with haste. The revious one like this is made with idea thought by me. So chapters will be more slower to post, anyways see ya on the next chapter of this weird ass story i made

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