That brat, such a drama queen...

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A new employee has been hired by the foundation, let's call her Karen, D-class#1029384756. She has been ok for the first week on the job, but when she is assigned with the most simplest thing, monitor SCP-120117. That's the beginning of everything...

Everything has doing great for SCP-120117 and Karen, but when there alone... Karen just keep saying rude stuff to SCP-120117 which SCP-120117 will not care but her voice. It's high pitched and it kept going if their alone, even if the Pup is with MalO. SCP-120117 couldn't endure it longer

"OK, how about you shut you damn mouth before I kill you sorry ass"

"Ugh, whatever."

Everything changed when SCP-120117 saw Karen saying false things to SCP-1471.

"Hey, your mate is SCP-120117, right? Well I saw her flirting with the staff members. Just break up with her"

Oh that brat will get it now...

"Hey, there. D-class#1029384756, or should I say... 'Karen' ****** age 19. Daughter of Mr. ******* and Mrs. ********. I heard you were speaking with my Alpha... Now If I were you, I would be afraid..."

"Or what? Your shorter than me, What can you do?"

SCP-120117 changed back to their form, towering even MalO ver.1.0.0. Then ignited her blade and grabbed Karen and lifted her to the air and pushed her into a corner.

"H-hey I can report this and get you neutralized!"

"If you can live to tell the tale..."

SCP-120117 then took Karen's hand and bit off her whole arm and swallowed it whole. The D-class could only scream for help, SCP-120117 now triggered, opened her jaw and putted the D-class's head and started biting down, her 3 1/2 inch fangs went through the D-class's head. The D-class is now parallelized, SCP-120117 let go as a sign of 'don't f* with me again'.

SCP-120117 returned to 'harmless' form and left her there, SCP-1471 is now scared of SCP-120117 but none the less still loves her. SCP-120117 remained quiet for the rest of the day, only speaking when MalO spoke to her.

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