Mom... Dad...?

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Karma... Wake up, it's me


SCP-120117 woke up catching some air from the dream, SCP-120117 looked around before glancing to SCP-1471 who was sleeping with her. SCP-120117 started crying and buried her face in her arms while tucking her knees to her chest.

Staff members who are watching her cry fainted, the same happened to those who are listening to her soft weeping. They were rushed to the foundation's hospital, the cause is yet to be solve but it may have something to do with the sentence SCP-120117 carved out off her room.

 They were rushed to the foundation's hospital, the cause is yet to be solve but it may have something to do with the sentence SCP-120117 carved out off her room

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'Twi'y le'sh prrun' grre'ch prru'va shira'

"Cross out the ones who heard my cries and watch me weep"

SCP-120117 went back to sleep after SCP-1471 comforted her.

Wolfirr... Wolfy... Zach'kerrash... Ales'x... Kannairr... Be strong... for us

D-Dad?... W-Wait come back!

Karma!... Karma! Wake up! Pup!

gasp* SCP-120117 woke up crying

"H-Hey, It's ok... I'm here" SCP-1471 tried to comfort here

The staff member released a scent of lavender in SCP-120117's room, trying to calm her down.

SCP-120117 cuddled with SCP-1471 sobbing into MalO

"M-Mom... Dad..." SCP-120117 mumbled over and over while sobbing into her mate

The scent of lavender is working bit by bit calming SCP-120117

A voice in SCP-120117's mind spoke... "Grave... We shall wait... back home..."

SCP-120117 Stood up and took 1471's hand and teleported to the Twilight Island

"Why are we here?" 1471 asked SCP-120117

SCP-120117 stayed silent besides her sobbing

SCP-120117 started heading to their Parents graves, MalO followed behind quietly

SCP-120117 reached their parents grave, two figures stood at the graves and had their backs turned to SCP-120117.


The two figures turned around to face SCP-120117

The figures both have a smile, a smile seen on a parent's face to see their children after a long time.

"Hey Karma" the figure spoke with a soft female voice. The figure flow a tear down her cheek.

"M-Mom...?" SCP-120117 spoke curiously

"Hey sweetie, it's us..."

SCP-120117 started to cry more while SCP-1471 can't do anything but to watch

"Hey Wolfirr, thanks for taking care of your siblings. Im proud of you" the second figure spoke with a deep male voice

"Dad... Mom..."

"Come here puppies"

SCP-120117 ran towards them and hugged them

"W'verr grru' murr shi'an..." (We missed you guys so much)

"W've un'nowe..." (We know...)

"But how... We thought you guys are dead"

"We have our ways" They smirked

"Well, care to tell me who's that guy over there" Their father asked them

"W-Well, uhh... his my... Mate..."

Their father stared at SCP-120117.

"Hey you get over here!"

"R-Right sir..." SCP-1471 is now scared while he approaches his mate's father

"Well... What is your intentions to my daughter?"

"Uhh, well... She's cute and smart, and she helped me became alive again. She's powerful too, I like it"

"Do you love my daughter?"

"Yes, even if I die again, my love will not fade for her"

"hmm, then. Welcome to the family, and Karma..."


"Uff' irr du'sh, yourr' lave. krrill' thi as'sh. A'ach prru'va'krre, chu' hi'ell du ne marrte' twilla've" (If he loves you not, kill him and sent him to punishment yours truly and mustn't love again until you find the one)

"Yesh, Twalaferr. bu'ish nai wawu'u. dai'sh irr lave mirr trrave" (Yes, Father. But you mustn't worry. For I know that he loves me truly)

"hmm, but where are you? Your reign as the Alpha didn't appear."

"Well I was, but people came here and captured me, but they didn't torture me or stuff."

"Good, but where did you stay this whole time?"

"At the SCP Foundation, sir Secure, contain, protect" SCP-1471 joined their chat

"hmm, Twalave, u'sh til'l funda'sion kli'brrave?" (well hun, should we enter the place with them?)

"yesh, i'sh ti'i saffe"(yes, i think it would be safe)

SCP-120117 teleported them back to the foundation.

They lived there fairly ok, some aggression are shown between Staff members and the new SCPs



Object Class: Neutral

A.K.A. Father of the Twilight Island

SCP-120117-F bears roughly the same appearance as SCP-120117-A(Wolfirr) but with Red eyes and almost black fur. Tends to be overprotected of both SCP-120117 and SCP-120117-M


Object Class: Neutral

A.K.A. Mother of the Twilight Island

SCP-120117-M bears roughly the same appearance as SCP-120117-B(Wolfy) and SCP-120117-E(Kannairr) but with sky blue eyes and white as snow colored fur with gray in some areas. Tends to be more passive and takes care of both SCP-120117-F and SCP-120117 and SCP-1471.

(my first long chapter, I hope you enjoy it)

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