Heat Season

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*gotta warn ya, this is 18+ just skip it of you dont want to read: naughty thing.  thats all any ways enjoy*

SCP-1471 has been observed to been staring more into SCP-120117's lower parts and looks like more desperate, SCP-120117 is only noted to have one change and that is the coloration of the heart pattern, being shown only two color instead of the complex color pattern of 3-6 color combination depending on the season. This noted is reported in March 29 which is the Mating season for Wolves. Despite this, SCP-120117's behavior remained the same but SCP-120117 looks is she know what SCP-1471 wants.

SCP-1471 blocked SCP-120117's path and corners her, SCP-120117 isn't scared but none the less didn't really care.

"Help me..." SCP-1471 whispered and started to touch SCP-120117

"Nnaaa... Krri'ba moi'y shim aa"

"What's that suppose to mean?~" 1471 flirts and starts to lower his touch

"Your getting too close" then SCP-120117 pushed 1471 away

"Please... let me... do it..." 1471 begged SCP-120117

"Fine but not on me..." SCP-120117 proceeds to create a copy of herself

"I want to do it on you though..." 1471 mumbled but still heard due to SCP-120117's sharp hearing

"Fine, but not here..." SCP-120117 took SCP-1471's hand and teleports to their containment cell 

Once at the containment, SCP-120117 closed the door and deemed the lights. SCP-120117 started touching SCP-1471's area and stuff, staff member can't see anything except SCP-120117's glowing eyes and SCP-1471's white eyes, some groans and heard within the cell.

"Just sit, let me do all the work. Just enjoy the ride...~" SCP-120117 spoke calmly followed by a loud thud due to both SCP's falling to the floor

SCP-120117 starts licking 1471's dick, due to it's size SCP-120117 unhinged her jaw and started to suck.

"Hmm~ Right there~"

damn starting to like this but I ain't your waifu, crazy senpai  SCP-120117 thought

Around 10 minutes of you know. SCP-1471 asked SCP-120117.

"H-hey, uhh can we do it?"

SCP-120117 stopped and hinged her jaw and looked SCP-1471 dead in the eyes.

"I ain't losing my virginity, unless I want too. Now I don't wanna, now shut up before I turn your thing into my snack"

"R-right, carry on"

SCP-120117 unhinged her jaw again and starts to suck again. 1 hour later, SCP-1471 cums in SCP-120117's mouth which SCP-120117 drank half and kissed 1471 putting the other cums in his, after that SCP-120117 left 1471 while she go get some ice cream for them both.

Welp, that was fun  both SCP's thought to them selves

ok thats enough lewd for one chapter.

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