Another ship

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After some time, SCP-1471 visited SCP-120117 which at the time asleep. SCP-1471 just sat down and pets 120117 gently, 120117 smiled and woke up due to her alert nature and a light sleeper.

"Opps, sorry I didn't mean't to wake you up-"

"Shh, Sleep I'm tired..."

SCP-120117 tackled 1471 to the ground and slept, 1471 blushed hard but none the less cuddled back.

4 hours later, SCP-120117 woke up and blushed at the site of 1471 sleeping with her. SCP-1471 woke up and chatted with 120117

"Hey, your awake... and uhh sorry about that"

"I kinda liked it..." 120117 mumbled but 1471 still heard it

"So, you liked it?" with a smile on 1471's face

"W-wha... don't look at me like that, B-baka!" while wagging her tail rapidly

"Your cute, you know that 120117?"

"Y-you too..."

Both blushed

"Let's go get something to eat, you seem hungry"

"Sounds fun, but what will you eat, senpa- erm, 1471..."

1471 just chuckled and pets 120117 gently. Both went to the canteen, luckily not much people is around.

"So what are you gonna eat?"

"I'll just have a cookie, and you 1471?"

"I don't eat..."

"Oh... but why?"

"I'm a ghost, hun- uhh 120117"


They ate and hang outed more, and a new protocol is permitted for this bond.

Protocol 120117-MalO:

Both SCP's are free to do anything they want as long as it's not against foundation rules.

Both SCP's hanged out for 12 hours straight before 120117 became tired and fell asleep in 1471's arms, both cuddled as they sleep. They had fun for the day (no they didn't do it i mean't they had fun hanging out)

sorry for a short chapter, i ran out of ideas

SCP-120117Where stories live. Discover now