Of course

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Nik's P.O.V-

Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. I can not believe my life. I plop down on my bed as memories of the past day flow through my mind. I smile thinking about it. I hear my phone ping from the nightstand beside my bed, where its stayed since last night going to bed. I pick it up and look at the name. Of course. It's Jamie letting my know he got home safe. Then Jenny and Luke start messaging me in our group chat with Jamie..
Jenny:So.. how did it go?
Luke: Yeah, spill it all now!
Me:It was good.
Jenny:I want an answer from Jamie now...
Jamie:Yeah it was good.
Jenny:So nothing happened after we left?
Jamie: Well that's for us to know and you to have a mystery.🤐🤗
Luke: Damn.
Me:..... I gotta go do laundry..
*switch to just me and Jamie chat*
Babe: That shut them up 🤣
Me: sure did. 🤫😇😂😏
Babe: well it is the truth soo.
Me:So how mad is your mom?
Babe:Eh. She just yelled at me and told me not to do that without telling her I was going somewhere.
Me:Sorry, 😕
Babe:It was worth it though.😜😉😏❤😘
Babe:I love you wierdo 😂❤🤗
Me:I love you more😁😘😏😉😜❤
Babe: Whatcha doing today?
Me: Pretty much nothing at all. What about you?
Babe: Same. I was thinking and... I want to tell my parents...
Me:WHAT!! Babe, are you sure? We dont have to if your not ready.
Babe:I was thinking last night. I was thinking about how your mom reacted and what she said. And how much I love you and my mom likes you... maybe they would be okay. If not then I can find somewhere to stay. Can you come over?
Me:okay, I'll be there in a few.
Babe:Thank you. I Love you.
Me:I love you more
Babe:doubt that's possible babe.
Me:I'm on my way.

I throw on some decent clothes and got in my car. Driving to his house kinda nervous but he wants this so.
I get out of the car and walk up to the door. I knock and it immediately opens. His mom, Kathy, is standing there. When she sees me she smiles. "Hey Nik. Come on in." "Thank you."I say and step inside the house. Then Jamie comes down the stairs and smiles. "Lunch will be ready in a few." Kathy says.
We go upstairs and we sit on his bed. He's smiling at me when he closes the door. When its closed he hugs me and he says "I missed you". "I missed you too" I say smiling now cuz its contagious. "Someone's happy" I say laughing at his big goofy smile still plastered on his face. "Of course I'm happy. I get to show my parents the real me. The person I love. My mom already loves you. So." "Let's hope it stays that way." I say. "Lunch is ready!" Kathy says. We wash our hands and go down to eat lunch. We sat at the table and Kathy and Jamie's dad sit down at the table. As we all dig into our food. Jamie starts to suck up to his mom. "This is some good food mom." He says. "Oh, well thanks. I thought it would be a nice change of pace to eat lasagna instead of a sandwich or something." She says and smiles. "So, dad how has work been? Seen anything new lately?" He asks. "Not really, I sold a house on the lake yesterday." His dad says. "Oh, you haven't met my dad have you Nik?" He asks catching me in the middle of a huge bite. I put my hand over my mouth shake my head. "I'm Jamie's dad, but you can call me Dan." I swallow my food and say "Nice to meet you, Dan." And smile. "I have something I need to say." I choke on the lasagna a little at the abruptness of the statement. Everyone stops eating for a moment. And we all stare at him. Waiting. I nod my head a little, to tell him it's okay. "Um.. I'm... um." He closes his eyes and slightly quieter he say.."I'm gay." We wait and nobody says anything. "And." He says slowly he gulps a bit still not sure how they are going to react. Especially at the last part of that sentence. "I'm actually not just his friend.. I'm his boyfriend."I say quickly.

Kathy just stares between us then it all sinks in and she stands up and walks back into the kitchen. Dan just stares at Jamie, then at me. Finally he clears his throat. "Whatever makes you happy son. Let me go talk to your mother." He smiles and walk to the kitchen after Kathy. I turn to Jamie and see a single tear run down his face. I wipe the tear from his face. "Your okay Baby." And hug him.

"Everything is okay." I say hugging him and not letting him go. Then Kathy and Dan come back into the dining room. "Nik, may I please speak to my son. Alone." Kathy says sternly. I got to move and Jamie clings to me and says "Whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of him. Mom. I love him."

"I don't think you want him to hear this." She said. "I'll go to the living room. I'll be right outside the door okay?" I say as he reluctantly let's me go. I walk to the living room. I can hear them talking. "What is the matter with you!" Kathy says. "What is your problem with him being gay? He's not hurting anyone honey!" Dan says. " I want you to go break up with him now!" Kathy says. "MOM! No! I won't. I LOVE HIM!" Jamie says and I can tell he's in tears now. "You can't force him to break up with that perfectly nice young man because your stuck in the last century honey. If he loves that boy let him!" Dan says. "Why? You want to think about your son being fucked by another guy!?! Cuz I bet you they have!" Kathy yells. "I don't give a shit who he fucks. As long as he's happy you should be to!" Dan says. "What do you have against me that you don't want me to be happy!" Jamie asks.

"It's not you Jamie. She's just upset that --" Dan says. "DON'T you DARE finish that sentence!" Kathy is full on yelling. "Wait--mom." Jamie says. "Jamie your mom is just mad that you had the courage to tell us. And she didn't." Dan says. "I told you not to.. to not." Kathy says yelling. "Wait. Moms." Jamie says. "Your mother is.." Dan says. "Jamie leave. Now. Out of the dining room. NOW!" Kathy yells. He bolts out of the dining room. When he reaches the living room he bolts right into my arms and holds me tight. "I think its gonna get bad. Really bad." He says. "Go pack a bag. Enough for a week. Everything you might need. Go." I whisper he follows and grabs his bookbags and some other stuff he might need this week. Just in case. Then there is smashing and glass shattering. I call for him to hurry. They move the screaming and yelling and throwing into the living room as soon as we walk out to the door. Dan looks at the bag and nods while he yells back at Kathy. I rush Jamie and ask if he wants to take his car or ride with me. "Can I ride with you?" He asks in a small voice.

"Come on. " I say and put his bag in the back of the car. I drive home and I text my mom and tell her what happened. She says he can stay here. I sigh and put my phone down. "How are you holding up?" I ask him, we are both laying on my bed again. "I'm okay. I guess I shouldn't be surprised." He says. I tell him I'm gonna go get his bag out of the car. He just says "okay." And lays there. I go outside get his bags and lock the car back. When I get to my room I see Jamie staring at my ringing phone.... he looks up at me with confusion. I put the bags down and look at the number that's called me 4 times in a row now.

I suddenly can't breathe. I back up against the wall and slide down trying to get my body to just breathe. When I open my eyes Jamie is holding me in a side hug calming me down. "Is it him.." he asks I cant answer. I just sit there and shake my head yes. Of course when I'm finally happy he decides to call. The phone rings again and it's him. I finally stand and answer the phone. On speaker. I can hear his breathing on the other end. "Hey." He says. I just look at Jamie. "Ni-" he starts. Something in me snaps. "DON'T say my name. You don't get to just call me and do this. You can't do this. I'm finally happy. You dont get to call me." I say. The anger rising in my voice. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I heard what happened to da-."

"Don't even try to call him that. You were the reason we were out there in the first place. YOU. I dont want to hear it. " I say thinking about that night over and over. Jamie is just wiping my tears silently. "look. I'm happy now. I have an amazing group of friends. People that make me feel something. I have a boyfriend who I love more than I ever could have loved you. He cares about me. He loves me. He will never hurt me. Hope you and James are happy. Don't ever call my phone again or I'll get a restraining order. Goodbye" and I hung up the phone. Jamie looks at me kinda curious. "He cheated on me with James." I say clarifying. "Oh, did you mean that? What you said about me?" He says. "Every last word baby" I say looking into his eyes. I just can't stand it when he started biting his lip because of how close we were I had to. I pulled his face to mine and kissed him. First it was small and intimate.

Then... well. Of course I'll just leave it to your imagination.

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