The Wedding

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Jamie's P.O.V.-

"Jamie calm down. He's not gonna leave you. Now snap out if it." Jenny says "He is already in there okay! He is waiting on you. So boy I swear. Go marry that damn boy because he loves you more than anything else in this whole world. He's given you everything he has. I know you love him and have done the same for him." Jenny says almost on the verge of tears. "I can't believe your getting married" Jenny said *sigh* "I know. I know. I love him so much. I can't believe this is even happening... *deep breath* okay. I'm ready." I say "Good, now let's make you a married man" Jenny says looping her arm through mine. "Thanks Jen" I said "You know you were gonna marry him anyways" Jenny says "Not that. Well not specifically that but for everything over the past fourteen years." I say

"Gosh, Jamie dont make me cry already" Jenny said. We walk out the back door and down to the archway in front of the lake. The chairs have rainbow pedals that Elizabeth threw down the isle. Jenny and I walk down the isle to Nik, the biggest smile on my face when I see him standing there smiling staring back at me. When she leaves to the side with Luke and Rosalee I walk and Nik and I face each other. "The couple has chosen to write their own vows. Nik, would you like to go first?" the officiant says and he nods.

"Jamie, I love you. From the first time you smiled at me I couldn't stop smiling from across the coffee shop, I knew that you were special. You made me feel something other than the overwhelming sadness and grief I had from losing my dad and what I thought was a broken heart. I could never thank you enough for taking a chance on the new broken teenager that I was when we met. From the beginning you let me cry on your shoulder and the nights I woke up in tears or screaming you were there. You helped me get through a really rough patch in life after my dad died. But you believed in me. You encouraged me to be great. But most importantly you loved me and you haven't stopped. You made this broken teenager into a happy man that's with the love of his life. I love you forever and always." Nik says

"Nik, as embarrassing as it was at the time, from the first time you walked into my first period class I couldn't stop staring at you. I instantly fell for you hard. When my friends walked up to you and Mom at that coffee shop I was honestly terrified of anything that could be said. I had no idea what they were gonna do or say or anything. Then you looked at me across the tables and I couldn't help but blush like crazy. When we told my mother that we were together and I felt like my life was falling to pieces because of her reaction it just made me fall more in love with you because you helped me through it all. Through everything that we went through, we went through together, and are still here together getting ready to go through everything else in life together for the rest of our lives. You've been my everything since we first met and I love you so much. I'm so in love with you. Forever and always." I said looking down at our hands as we both put the rings on each other's finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may now kiss your husband" the officiant says and he looks me right in the eyes, then his arms wrap around my waist as my arms wrap around his neck, and we kissed. Neither of us stopped smiling. "I can't believe we're actually finally married Babe" Nik says hugging me when we wait for everyone to go to the reception and get settled. "I know right! I love you so much Baby" I said kissing him. He smiled into the kiss. After about 5 minutes. "It's my greatest honor to welcome for the first time Mr. & Mr. Davidson!" The official announced as we walk into the reception. It's a small area with eleven tables and eight chairs at each table. We go to the one table set up for us had nine for me, Nik, Jen, Luke, Rosalee, Mom, Dad, Jack, and Elizabeth.

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