S2: Chapter 2 - Wizards, eh?

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S2: Chapter 2


Witches doing a Witch Hunt. 

How ironic. 

I better end this soon. 

Please lend me your strength...


'I was about to do that.'

I was able to land right before they were cornered and burst out a huge icy blast around me and sent large icicles to them, knocking them down in an instant. 

After that, the two cloaked figures disappeared into thin air and fled. They look pretty familiar to me. 

"You guys alright?" I turned to them and spoke. 

"Yeah. Thanks to you, I thought it will be the end of us." Janneza smiled as he tried to catch his breath. 

"What are you guys doing here in a construction area?" I laughed.

"We were chased and we ended up here." replied one of his companion. 

"Pretty tough, huh? Wait- Why are you guys being chased by those freaks?"

"They were looking for someone and tried to get information from me." Janneza said. 

"And as I can remember, they were looking for some spirit. A fire spirit I guess?" the other added. 

"A fire spirit..?" I said, "That's unusual."

"Come to think of it. I think I've seen those guys before." I placed my hand on my chin and wondered. 

"Those guys were from the Order of the Blue Rose. Someone once told me that. It might sound silly but it is said that it is a small organization of Wizards and I think it's true." Janneza said, "They seem to be from another place and obviously not around here."

"Those aren't Witches?" I asked. 

"Their eyes glow blue, just like what Arwen told us. We better be careful. Looks like some other guild made them mad and come here, maybe they used some fire spirit on them? Who knows?" Janneza laughed. 

"But we should still be careful. Wizards are still superior over us Witches." I said. 

"Hey! Don't forget the Sorcerers!" his friend exclaimed. 

"But meeting one would be very rare!" Janneza replied. 

"Not that I'm sure but I heard some rumors that there's actually one among us hiding in plain view!" his other friend answered. 

"Why don't we discuss this somewhere else? Maybe up there would be better." I pointed up in the sky. 

"Speaking of the which, I just finished making another masterpiece!" Janneza boasted and rummaged in his bag. 

"Behold my Portable Teleporter 2.0!"

"That's illegal." we said in unison. 

"Oh come on! No one will know right? Let's go!" Janneza pressed the button and a glyph appeared below us. Several seconds later, we were really teleported here in the World Tree.

We quickly ran over our favorite food stop, Irvin's shop. The best cook in town, also the youngest. We were like all in the same age yet this guy is really incredible. He earned the title 'Master Chef' because of his incredible cooking skill but he's also very good at hunting. All his ingredients were always fresh. This is literally just the best. 

"What happened to you guys? Y'all messy and dirty." Irvin asked with a big grin. 

"We were chased down by some Wizards." Janneza sighed. 

"Wizards, eh? That's pretty rare. They're not around here. This is our territory." Irvin looked confused.

"Come. Take a seat as I prepare some food. Tell me the details later and I'll listen."

"He said they were searching for some spirit." I pointed Janneza's friend, the guy with a spiky blonde hair and spoke. 

"Ah! We haven't introduced ourselves yet! We're pretty new around here and knew Janneza long ago. I'm Jarvaniv, Janneza's partner." he bowed. 

"I'm known as The Lancer and under the Sentinel Squad. Nice to meet you, Deceiver.  You’re truly were amazing earlier. Thank you for saving us." he shook my hand. I'm a little overwhelmed with this. 

"My name is Nico and this is my partner, Patrick." the boy with the silver hair and dark eyes spoke and introduced another brown eyed guy with messy light hair. 

"'Sup, mate?" Patrick greeted. 

"Please be aware that he is the one that curses the most. Do not be fooled." the three said in unison. 

"I'm entitled The Invoker while Patrick is known as The Devourer. I'm under the Saboteur Squad while he's under the Ravager Squad." Nico spoke. 

"I see. I'm also planning on joining in the same squad as Patrick." I remembered. 

"Eh? The Ravager Squad? But- I heard your Witchblade is very powerful. You should be among the damage dealers like the Commandos or Saboteurs!" Nico exclaimed. 

"Nico." Janneza called him sternly. There was silence. 

I took a deep sigh. 

"I still don't think I might be able to handle it properly. Things might turn ugly like before. But still, I'm trying work on it. I think I'll use it when I really need to..."

"We understand. Feel free to choose what squad you want to join. It's up to you anyway bro." Patrick tapped my shoulder and smiled.  


"No problem, mate."

"Here are your orders!" Irvin exclaimed with a wide smile. 

"Well then, let's start the discussion."

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