Chapter 6

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Jakurai carefully eyed the young girl in front of him and somehow amazed on how she resembles someone this much.

"Aside that topic, I do think i should introduce myself properly." Jakurai smiled and stood tall.

"I am Jakurai Jinguji, Matenro's leader" Jakurai gave the most charming smile ever.

Hearing the word 'Matenro' it somehow rings a bell and then when it hit you, absolutely everyone was rooting for Matenro when they became champion against the other divisions.

"Hifumi Izanami, Pleasure to meet you Koneko-chan." Hifumi kneeled down and gave your hand a kiss.

Dice found himself rolling his eyes at the situation.

"Doppo Kannonzaka.." Doppo held his hand for a handshake.

"I hope to see you anytime really soon, Y/N-chan." Jakurai smiled as he bowed to excuse him and his members out.

"What was that for?" Gentaro scoffed.

"You know what? I don't freakin' know." Dice shrugged.

Dice noticed Ramuda's glare still hot at Jakurai.

"Yo Ramuda, you okay?" Dice asked in concern.

"Yes yes yes ~" Ramuda giggled.

Ramuda obviously faked his answer. Gentaro always knew how Ramuda would sometimes change his mood around Jakurai but the reason? Still unknown.

"Jakurai-sensei, you gotta be kidding me if you tell me now that's the girl.." Hifumi scoffed.

"W-wait! she is?" Doppo choked.

It's uncanny to look at it but Jakurai had no doubt she's the right person.

"Let's wait what the fate will be" Jakurai stated.

"Right! Doppochin?" Hifumi tilted his head towards Doppo.

"Yeah!" Doppo gave a soft smile.


Y/N and Fling Posse decided to have another hour roaming at the mall and all of you decided to have crepes for a snack well surprisingly, it was Gentaro's treat.

*ring* *ring* *ring*

Ramuda was enjoying his crepe when his phone started ringing.

"Onee-san?" Ramuda started.

Perking your head to his side, you just realized he wasn't calling out for you at all.

"Is that Ich-" Dice came to a stop when Ramuda spoke.

"You guys go ahead without me, bye bye sweeties! Take care~" Ramuda said.

"I guess he has something.. important to do again." Gentaro said while looking at Ramuda make his way in the exit.

Of course no one would dare to tell you, it's something that will tick Ramuda if others were to actually find out what private business he has been doing.

Ramuda was looking side by side to make sure none of you are around the sight anymore and then walked his way through a dark alley on the street.

"Just in time"

"Onee-san-" Before he could finish a sentence he was rudely interrupted by the person.

"Have you been doing my orders? Ugh. This is irritating, don't lose sight of things. You got me?"

"Yeah!" Ramuda wore a cheer act in him but deep inside he just wanted to rip the person's tongue.

'Fucking Bitch' Ramuda mentally cursed.

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