A/N + Fantasy AU Bonus

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Hello my readers! Thank you so so much for reading my work! I hope you're having fun with what i have to offer. I'm super happy that it's actually getting reads and votes from you all, so tune in for more content! Hopefully, I get to finish this fanfic this time!

And please don't hesitate to give feedback and suggestions! They're all important and highly appreciated so that I can give what my readers wants and to improve my writing as well. Thank you so much and I love you all!


"Onee-san?" Ramuda peeked on your phone from behind.

You almost jumped from your seat given the sudden presence of the boy.

"You startled me.." You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Looky looky! Ichiro lend me a game and he said we should try it out!" He excitedly stated.

Ramuda took the cartridge out of its cover and inserted it to the console hurriedly.

Despite of Dice being incredibly busy on his phone and gambling, he got intrigued and placed it down the side table and Gentaro sat beside you with an instant cup noodles on his hand while watching the TV.

"Ramuda, whazzat?" Dice tilted his head to the side and stood from the couch and bent beside the pink haired boy while staring on the loading screen.

"It's a game~!" Ramuda grinned.

It's unusual for Ramuda to get so hyped up over a game but the thing is, Ichiro successfully fooled the boy with telling him a tale about a princess and her three knights which was obviously made up and teased Ramuda how it's relating to everything ever since you started living with Fling Posse and explained that the game is a prequel of the tale. The storyline Ichiro gave is actually quite the opposite, Y/N and Fling Posse has no idea what the game has in store for them.

"Come on, Come on Gentaro!" Ramuda pulled on the man with his eyes still on the TV.

"Okay, Okay." Gentaro sat with the three of you in the floor.

"Sword Skelter: Press Start"

"Hmmmm..." Ramuda furrowed his eyebrows and stared for a bit.

"Ramuda? Is something wrong?" Gentaro asked.

"Ichiro said this was suppose to be a romantic game, it doesn't seem anything like it.." Ramuda's eyes drooped and rested his chin on his fist.

"Well why don't we try it first?" Dice suggested.

You're the first one to take a controller and accidentally pressed the circle button that made the screen glitch before you felt a painful throbbing in your head that made you clench onto it tightly.

"Oi! Y/N-chan! What's wrong?!" Dice dropped his controller and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

"Ack-!" Dice's breath hitched as his palms were now in his head as well.

You never felt so light-headed became hazy and words from Gentaro and Ramuda sounded distorted before completely blacking out as if you felt dead.


"Aughh... what the heck..." You heard Dice's voice echoing beside you.

Unknown to how long have you been knocked out you tried to open your eyes though every movement felt burning, you supported yourself to sit however something doesn't feel right, with every movement you make there's clanking metal along with it.

Covering your eyes from the brightness along the colors of the flowers and green pastures reflecting on your eyes at once. You heard a shuffling beside you and saw Ramuda that made you blink a few times before you fully processed that you're not hallucinating at all.

; cheesecake (Fling Posse X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now