Bonus: Ramuda (NSFW)

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"I told youu!~ Stay away from that old man Jakurai~" Your partner whined and clung into your arm.

The moment you came through the door, there he was latched onto your waist with a pouty face. You did told him you have some meeting with the company partnerships being Doppo's assistant and Jakurai as the top grossing client had to do some arrangements and the pink-haired boy was more than jealous.

"Honey, didn't we talk about this already? It's all work-related" You sighed and ruffled his pink hair.

"K!" He rolled his eyes got off of you.

Stomping to the room he had locked himself in, you could only massage your temple. Married life with Ramuda is especially never hard. He's very honest so you don't really have anything to worry about, just the usual smol boi energy.

"Ramuda-kun, I have to change clothes you know" You knocked on the bedroom.

"Not until you say that you love me" You could hear him he was just by the door.

"Fine, fine. I love you. Is that good enough?" You did what you were told to, Ramuda is a simple man when it comes to you.

He unlocked the door and tackled you for a hug facing up and giving you an adorable smile.

"I wuv you too!" Ramuda leaned in and kissed your cheek.

"Do you want me to help you change? Teehee~" Ramuda winked in anticipation.

He would suggest and hint skin-ship for like 99% of the time, given that the two of you never really gotten that far as you think.

Ramuda doesn't like forcing you to do things that you're not comfortable so he waits and asks for approval anytime yet you haven't once agreed with the idea just yet.

Sure you have made out and got naked in front of each other multiple times but it just somehow stops in a certain level.

"No thank you, I can do it myself" You gave him a sincere smile.

He just pouted and left you in the room to change.

After changing into some matching pajamas that Ramuda bought for you, you went back to the living room and saw your partner in his sketchbook again while laying down in the couch.

You're in the mood for sketching designs right now so you took you tablet and plopped down beside him. You would occasionally help him with ideas which he loved as it serves as his quality time with you.

Given having an interest in designs and being pretty artistic yourself, you and Ramuda are technically like a head-partner relationship within the company.

"Hmm? Wahh~! Did you think of this yourself? It's adorable!" Ramuda squeezed himself to your side to take a look of what you're working on.

"Yep! It has a little mature vibe into it that i like" You smiled at your enthusiastic husband.

A little frown played on his lips when he heard the word 'mature' Okay, he's overthinking that you might be into guys like Jakurai than him. He was still mad jealous about the thought of Jakurai and you alone in a boardroom.

You felt Ramuda's hand on top of your thigh, glancing at him, he was just on his phone scrolling. It was fast when his hand went brushing on your pajamas where it ended up groping your inner thigh.

Starting to feel a strange shudder, feeling heat rise up your face.

"Honey, what are you doing?" You nervously chuckled.

"Hahh?~ Can't I do this?" He raised an eyebrow.

Ramuda is very dominant, he always says stuff like that you belong to him as he himself only belongs to you.

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