Chapter 16

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"I can't believe they actually let you sleep here for the night, expected there'd be a big argument but oh well" Ichiro shrugs.

BusterBros gave you the warmest welcome for a sleepover, Ichiro even ordered tons of food!

"Y/N-nee, you wanna play in my room later?" Saburo grinned in anticipation.

"Oi! In YOUR room?, Waddya think you're sayin'?" Jiro raised an eyebrow.

"Then how the hell is Y/N ALLOWED to stay in your room then?" Saburo backfired.

"Duh. Cus we've been friends for a long time" Jiro scoffed.

"Damn cocky idiot" Saburo whispered to himself.

"If you guys don't stop fighting, I'll make Y/N-chan sleep in my room then." Ichiro raised his hand.

"NOPE" Jiro and Saburo said in unison.

You giggled at the three while taking your shoes off before walking towards their living room, it's quite spacious actually.

"Ah- Y/N-chan, you can change in the washroom over there" Jiro pointed to a door.

"Thank you!" You smiled at him and headed towards the door.

Your bag was pretty packed since Gentaro took care of it for you so you could just pick it up after work.

You opened the bag and surprisingly... He packed you with his clothes. Well, he also didn't forget your underwear. It's a good thing don't worry.

Changing in to an oversized grey shirt and shorts you adjusted by the waistline, your hand touched a cold material, it was a candy pack with a note on it. "Something sweet to snack with! Take care my Onee-san~! I wuuuuuuuvvvv yooouuu!".

You giggled on the note Ramuda wrote and yes there's a hoodie in the bag, there can't be no owner other than Dice. "If you guys go outside, use this if you ever get cold don't get sick a'ight?". Says a note inside the hoodie.

Those three can be so thoughtful from time to time when it comes to you, zipping the bag close you made your way back to the living room.

"Y/N-chan, you wanna play some games?" Ichiro invited you to sit on the couch.

While the two younger brothers sat silently on the couch with sour expressions on how Ichiro can call you just like that even though you two were the least close out of all the Yamada brothers.

"What are we playing?" You sat beside him.

"BlazBlue!" Ichiro giggled and passed you a controller.

You took the controller gently and stared at it for a while, it's the first time you'll be playing this game so you don't know the mechanics yet.

"Can you teach me how to play this?" You asked staring at him in awe while he scrolls right into the menu.

"Oh right! Sure I will" Ichiro scooted closer to you.

"Uh- I can teach Y/N-chan! Nii-chan.." Jiro fiddled his fingers and sat beside you in the couch.

"Huh? Oh, alright-"

"I'm better at this one Y/N-nee, let me teach you" Saburo sat on the carpet beside your legs and gave you an adorable smile.

"Tch! I offered first!" Jiro placed his left foot on Saburo's arm.

"Get off! So what? I just told you I'm better at this.." Saburo answered cockily.

"You two... quit it, okay you can both take turns and teach Y/N-chan. Is that fair now?" Ichiro sighed.

"Saburo, Jiro, how come you always fight? Can you two get along for the rest of the night? For me?" You patted their heads as if they're little kids.

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