Chapter 15

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"Ugh... Ah- Ugh!"

"Stop resisting, It wouldn't be that painful of you just stay still."

"UGH MAN! NO I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE, Y/N-CHAN HELP ME!" Dice threw his head back and stretched his hand out.

You on the other hand just sighed while handing Gentaro another ice pack, it seems like he was way better in treating wounds than you so you let him take the lead.

[ "Y/N-san, you're wrapping it the wrong way"  Gentaro rested his palm on your arm to stop you.

"Huh? W-wrong? It don't look like it!" Dice stammers.

Poor Dice didn't want to receive Gentaro's rough treatments when it comes to this, it may be rough but it sure has fast improvements since most of them are traditional methods.

"Ehehe.. I'm sorry" You scratched the back of your head.

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it" Gentaro smiled and took the bandage from your hands gently. ]

"I think I'm going to die." Dice stiffened having no energy to resist any longer.

Gentaro chuckled while he continues to disinfect Dice's scratches. He himself is wrapped up as well although he did it before it gets worse.

"Onee-san~ my shoulder hurts~" Ramuda whines from the pain.

No matter how you tried not to, you still see Ramuda as a little boy at some point.

"Aww, come here." You cooed and greeted him with open arms.

The pink haired boy didn't think twice anymore before he snuggled in to your arms, enjoying your sweet scent.

Dice and Gentaro eyed you two bitterly, Ramuda only stuck his tongue out to annoy them.

"Aw- are you goddamn serious?" Dice scoffed.

After Gentaro finishes aiding Dice, the four of you sat on the couch like always.

You guys were watching Grown Ups 2 with Gentaro's subtle laughing went the opposite with Ramuda and Dice cackling like a pair of asthmatic seals.

Dice's hand kept brushing on yours, but little did you know he was actually doing it on purpose.

"Ahahaha! Y/N-chan watch! It's so funny!" Dice placed his hand on your shoulder trying to keep up with his plan.

"Uhuh, I'm watching" You giggled and smiled at the blue haired boy.

Everyone was busy watching the film well not the case with Dice, he was more focused glancing at you.

'Say it! Say it! Say it' It's as if there are small Dices cheering inside his head.

'NO I CANT DO IT!" The boy was mentally fighting himself.

You just noticed Dice kept groaning beside you so your attention went to him.

"Daisu-kun, are you alright?" You asked.

"Huh- Of course I am! Hahaha!" He tensely answered and shoved chips to his mouth.

"Hmm? Okay." You knew something was up with the boy but you didn't press the idea even further.

"My eyes are starting hurt, I'll just go drink some water" You stood up and stretched before heading to the kitchen.

"M-me too!" Dice stammered.

; cheesecake (Fling Posse X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now