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The following morning, Wooyoung let out a small groan while stretching in bed. He rubbed his chest, avoiding his still slightly sensitive nipples and reached out with his other hand to find San.

His side of the bed was empty.

Wooyoung opened his eyes and looked around the room, feeling suddenly out of place amongst the luxurious setting. He glanced at San's spot.

It was cold to the touch, indicating that the older had been up for a while now.

Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Wooyoung slipped out of bed and started to pull his clothes on when he noticed a set of pajamas folded up on the low dresser in the room with a note on top of it.

A small smile crossed his face as he unfolded it and read through the elegant script.

My Wooyoung,

Sorry to leave you so early, but I have a lot of things I need to take care of today for the fundraiser tonight and you were sleeping so peacefully I could not bring myself to wake you. Help yourself to anything you see. The fridge is stocked, or you can order something to eat, they will just charge it to me. And find something comfortable in the closet to wear. Whenever you are ready, press the page button on the keypad by the elevator to let Pierre know that you are ready. I sent him back so that he can help you get ready for tonight. There is a slight schedule I need you to stick to, so please, enjoy yourself this morning but try to be on the road no later than 1pm. I made you an appointment to have a suit custom fit for you tonight and they need time to tailor it. After you are finished, Pierre will bring you to the banquet hall where I will be waiting for you. I cannot wait to see you.


A custom suit?

Wooyoung shook his head and set the paper down. It was too much... There was no way he could accept something like that.

He glanced over at the clock and noticed that it was already after eleven. He felt his eyebrows raise in shock, he never slept this late.

Although he and San were up pretty late the night before.

Wooyoung shivered when he remembered how good San made him feel.

He decided to forego the pajamas and went straight to the shower.

The warm water felt good against his aching and tense muscles, so he ended up standing underneath it for a long time to just enjoy the feeling.

If he was being honest with himself, Wooyoung was really nervous about the upcoming event. He had never been to anything like this before, and he could be so awkward in social situations either because he would break or knock something over, or because he would say the wrong thing.

And if this was as big of a deal as San was making it out to be, he didn't want to ruin it...

But it was too late to back out now.

He did as San asked and picked out something from his closet, electing to wear a simple pair of jeans and a black t-shirt so that he could be comfortable.

Wooyoung knew he should eat, but his stomach was in too many knots to be able to think about keeping it down, so he went straight to the panel to call Pierre.

The bodyguard greeted him at the elevator, just as San said he would. "Good afternoon, Sir. Are you aware of what we will be doing?"

"Yes. Thank you... For this." Wooyoung rubbed the back of his head.

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