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Wooyoung drifted in and out of awareness, catching only snippets of what was happening.

He registered that he was being carried somewhere, and that his phone was taken from his pocket.

"Pierre? Yeah, it's Jongho... No, he's not... I don't know... He just..." It sounded like Jongho's voice was shaking. "Yes, that's where I ran into him... Ok... Ok, hurry."

"Jong..." Wooyoung choked out.

"I've got you, Woo. Pierre is on his way and we are going to take you home, ok?"

Wooyoung let out a small moan and pressed his head to Jongho's shoulder.

"Bailey, come."

They hurried forward and Wooyoung heard Pierre shouting for them some distance away. "Here!" He helped Jongho get into the limo and ran back to the driver seat. Bailey jumped in right after him and laid down on the floor when Jongho snapped his fingers twice.

"Have you talked to my brother?"

Wooyoung drifted out again after that and didn't come to until he was being jostled back and forth right before he was placed onto something soft.

Pierre's voice came from somewhere far away. "What can I do?"

"I don't know, I don't even know what's wrong with him. Has this ever happened before?" Jongho sounded panicked. Wooyoung turned his head and lifted a hand up, wanting to try and comfort him. He didn't like hearing Jongho upset.

"Once, a few weeks ago. I had to come wake him up but he thought may be a bug. Mr. Choi and I believed him because he was fine the next day."

"Could this be another one then?"

Pierre hesitated. "I... I don't know."

Blackness enveloped Wooyoung again. He had no idea how long he was gone for when he felt something cold and damp being pressed against his forehead.

"Any word from my brother?" Jongho's gentle voice washed over him.

"Not yet." Pierre said. He sounded tired. "I couldn't even get through to Yeosang, some other secretary answered that I'm not familiar with, so I'm not sure when he'll get the message. And his cell phone is off."

Jongho scoffed. "Wow, that's just great."

"Go easy on him. He's been working on this business deal for awhile."

"But he should still be available or emergencies! What if something had happened to Mom or Dad?"

Wooyoung's forehead creased in concern. He didn't like that Jongho sounded so upset and everything in him told him to try and calm the younger down.

He lifted up a shaking hand to brush it against Jongho's leg.

"Woo!" Jongho took his hand and enveloped it with both of his larger ones. "Wooyoung, can you hear me?"

The older hummed in response and tried to squeeze Jongho's hand. It felt so nice to hold it again.

"Sir, what's wrong? What can I get for you?" Pierre moved to the side of the bed and looked down at him.

"Nothing, I'm... Fine..." Wooyoung tried to smile at them. "Just... Tired..."

"Don't give me that shit." Jongho snapped. "People don't faint like that unless something is wrong with them."

"It was... Just the heat." Even Wooyoung could tell his own words were slurred as he spoke. But as far as he could tell he was actually feeling better. The pain was gone, he was just so tired.

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