chapter three : pain at its finest

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( Disclaimer : Describing of gore )

I entered the forest. The sound of nature, the light seeping in from the sun, and birds chirping. It was so calming. Except for the blood curdling screaming come from Luke. I ran toward the screaming. 

Sometimes I wish he'd wear darker clothing. Because his white shirt and blue jeans were now dark red. and his right leg was what looked like a broken white stick coming out of it. Aka he was covered in blood and his shin was sticking out of the skin. gross.

I picked him up with telekinesis, trying my best not to move his leg that has the- injury. I took him back to the school.

Luke kept moaning in pain.

" Almost there buddy. You'll be okay. " I spoke, holding him above me. 

He busted up his face. He has a black eye and most likely a broken nose. Both nostrils were bleeding and his nose was purple. He had bruises all over his body. And his clothing was now died dark red with his blood. 

" It hurts- " Luke cried.

" I know Howler. I'm bringing you to the nurse at school okay-? " I answered.

" Do I still get to go on a date with shield cutie-? " 

" No buddy, sorry. "

Luke put his cupped hand under his mouth and spit out a bloody tooth.

" That dog chick busted out one of my teeth. " Luke said, his voice very raspy and weak.

" Her name is Kat " I answered.

" Same thing. "

" Not really. "

When we got the school, it was almost empty. There were a few students here and there that were still healing from past injuries, and some that were still getting used to their powers so they couldn't fight yet. All of them stared and asked if Luke was okay. 

I finally got him to the nurse. Luke was still moaning in pain. But I can't blame him. If I busted my shin bone out of my skin I'd be screaming too.

" Easdale-? " I walked into the nurse's office. Our nurse's last name is Easdale, and in our school you have to call people by their last name unless they give you permission to call them by their first name. I have permission from Luke and Hestia to call them their first names, but I prefer to call them by their last names just to be polite. Obviously our nurse's power is healing. And surprisingly, our nurse is a Blue Streak. Even though Blue Streaks are seen as the most powerful type of fantasy, they still work along side either Taiyo or Tsuki. 

Our nurse was younger, just recently graduated from Taiyo actually and started working there as a nurse. She didn't have to get medical education since as a Blue Streak, she already knew that information. And she could just heal others. She has long ginger hair with the two blue streaks at the front. She has dark brown eyes and covered in freckles. 

" Yes?- " Easdale was saying until she turned around to see me caring Luke. " OH MY GOD "

" Yeah. " I answered. " Scary I know. "

" What happened!? " Easdale gestured for me to place Luke down on one of the nurse beds. So I did.

" Tsuki got a new member. For some reason before the new member attacked, Howler said his powers weren't working. Then their new member 'Kat' flew toward him knocking him into a near by forest. " I explained, Easdale looked at me and her eyes widened a bit.

" Oh- really? Interesting.. " Easdale looked back at Luke. I raised an eyebrow. It was a very interesting answer to hearing a student you regularly see come in because he doesn't wanna take a test, now covered in blood and his bone coming out of his leg, also having a broken face.

Easdale lightly put her hand over the bone sticking out of Luke's leg.

" This might hurt a bit okay? " Easdale told Luke. A light came from her hand. Luke started screaming in pain. His bone with slowly moving and forming back together again. It slowly went back into his leg and the skin sealed over it. Luke still screaming. " I'm done with you're leg. now I have to fix your broken nose. then I'll be done. " 

Easdale put her hand over his nose and he started screaming again. His nose went back to the colour of his pale skin and the blood went back into his nose. His nose also retaking the shape it was before he was thrown twenty thousand feet.

" I'll let you rest here Howler. I'll go get you some clean and not bloody clothing " Easdale left the room to go get his clothing from his locker. I just sat on a chair next to Luke's bed.

" I really wanted to go on a date with shield cutie. " Luke's voice was still weak and raspy.

" She has a name you know. " I chuckled.

" Yeah, Amy Tiger. " Luke started falling asleep.

" Wha- " I stayed silent for a second. " How do you get Amy Tiger from Amelia Wolfe-? " 

And then Luke started snoring.

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