chapter ten : Hestia grants more trouble

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I woke up to people screaming. I was still in the bus but my head was leaned on the window instead of Hestia. The screams weren't blood curdling, except one. Luke's scream. But there was people screaming Hestia's last name.

It took me a good second to realize what the noise was.

Hestia was beating the hell out of Luke.

I stood up off my seat and into the isle in a panic. There were a few people left in the bus who were still sleeping. But mostly everyone was out of the bus cheering on Hestia. Easdale and Takahashi were still sleeping too. I ran out of the bus to see we weren't even at Taiyo yet. But in a field close to the portal. Hestia was over top of Luke and punching his face. Her knuckles were covered in Luke's blood. I don't think I've ever been for scared for my friends in my life. 

Now I get it, seeing Luke with a bone coming out of his leg was scary. But imagine seeing your best friend beating the hell out of your other best friend. And then knowing they'll hate each other forever after that. Yeah. That.

I ran outside and used my telekinesis to lift Hestia in the air. She was about 8 ft in the air.

" Hey put me down! " Hestia screamed, then she looked and saw me. " Carter! "

" What the hell is going on!? " I looked at her in disgust. Everyone else was looking at me. 

" This idiotic best friend of yours took photo's of us sleeping and posted in on eclipse! " Hestia screamed at me. " The caption was saying that we were dating! " 

For you normals, you have Instagram. We have Eclipse. Which is Instagram for fantasies. Tsuki and Taiyo. That's why its called Eclipse. Luke has almost the whole school following him. So it's a pretty big deal that he posted that. Because everyone at Taiyo thinks Hestia and I are dating or thinks we'll start dating soon. Which we both don't like each other like that.

" Did you ask him to take it off-? Delete the post. " I asked.

" Well- no but- " Hestia explained.

" Then you ask first, before beating the hell out of him. " I spoke with anger.

" Oh come on wussy. You would've thrown hands too. " Hestia spoke back.

" I would've asked him to take it down. And if he refused then I would've thrown hands. " I answered.

" Just put me down already. " Hestia shook her hands to try and get Luke's blood off her knuckles. 

" Fine. Don't try and hurt Luke again or up you go. " I put her down.

She just went back into the bus. A few of her friends followed her to talk with her. Everyone else just watched. I went over to Luke.

" I-I'm alive, kinda. " Luke spoke. His mouth was filled with blood. Both of his nostrils were bleeding and he had a black eye.

" How many times are you going to get a black eye in a week.. " I chuckled. I looked up at everyone else. " Can someone go get Easdale-? "

One of the girls in our class who openly had a crush on me and pretended no one knew nodded and ran into the bus. I always found her annoying, not gonna lie.

After a minute or so Easdale ran out. Her hair was messy from sleeping but she was trying to flatten it. Then she saw Luke. 

" Oh my goodness this is the fifth time this week Luke. " Easdale sighed. 

Now I know what you're thinking. Or at least I'm just guessing. I don't know what you're thinking. But I know Easdale only healed Luke three times that you saw. But before where I started, Luke broke his ankle well training, and then barely even an hour after Easdale healed it, he sprained it.

" Sorry- " Luke weakly said. 

Easdale walked over to him, crouched to get to his level and put her hand over his face. Her hand started glowing and he started screaming. I never explained why people scream when Easdale heals them so I should now. Easdale's power is healing. But, when she heals, people can feel it. Like if you were to break your bone, and then feel the bone remaking itself in your limb. I can't really explain it, but you can feel your body healing itself quickly. And trust me, it's way more painful then hurting it the in the first place.

Easdale once had to heal me after a battle with Tsuki. I almost died due to my injuries. And Easdale had to heal me. I could feel all the broken bones in my body rearranging themselves. It was very painful.

" Done. Be more careful. Don't get people to beat you up so much honey. " Easdale chuckled, She stood up and walked to the bus.

Everyone else just did their own thing. Luke stayed laying down in the glass, now healed. He didn't even look like his was beaten up.

" Hey, Carter come here. " Luke spoke.

" Alright. " I laid down next to Luke in the grass.

" So shield cutie is a no go, but Easdale. " Luke smiled.

" Dude she's the school nurse! " I looked at him with disgust.

" So? Shes only a year older then us. She's 17! " Luke smiled. And she is cute, not gonna lie. " Luke explained.

" No just- no. " I answered, looking back at the sky. " She's staff at Taiyo and you're a student. I'm pretty sure that's illegal. "

" Yeah but she's only a year older then me so It shouldn't matter. " Luke chuckled.

" Please tell me you're joking. " I laughed.

" Nope, Easdale is cute though. You can't lie. " Luke nodded.

" Well yeah. But no. Stop. Get some help. " I chuckled.

" You need more help then I do. " Luke laughed.

" How!? I'm not the one crushing on the school nurse. " 

" Yeah but- uhm.. shut up. " 

We laughed for a bit. I ended up taking his phone and deleted the image of Hestia sleeping on my shoulder and me sleeping with my head rested on hers. And then posted an apology note saying he was sorry for lying that Hestia and I were dating. I posted it and wouldn't let him delete it. 

After about thirty minutes, Hestia walked out of the bus. She was silent. She came and laid down beside me.

" Welcome back. " I smiled.

" Luke I'm sorry for hurting you. You're still an idiotic ass though. " Hestia spoke. crossing her arms and looking to the sky.

" That was quick. " Luke chuckled. Hestia rolled her eyes.

" I'm not going to lie. I missed hanging around you guys even though it was only like, an hour. " Hestia explained. " Hanging out with girls is annoying. All they wanna talk about is their asses and their boyfriends. " 

" That's most teenage girls for you. " I chuckled.

" Thank you guys for putting up with me so I don't have to put up with those idiots. " Hestia smiled.

" Even though you beat me up all the time I still think you're pretty cool. " Luke added.

" I think you're pretty cool too. Except for when you deserve to get beat up. " Hestia smiled.

" Note taken " Luke laughed.

I'm glad they forgive each other. It was annoying to deal with when they hate each other. But Hestia and Luke almost always find a way to forgive each other. The longest they ever went for being mad at each other was a week. I felt the a tugging-war toy for that whole week. 

Then Zyclops came out of the bus.

" Guys get in the bus! We have some news.. " Zyclops yelled out to everyone in the field. She looked worried.

We all stood up and went into the bus. The mini TV near the drivers seat and doors was on.

" Everyone on the bus-? " Takahashi asked. He had the TV paused on the news. The news anchor had a blurred photo of Kat again.

" No one's in the field so I'll assume so. " Easdale answered.

I went back into my spot, Luke sat beside me. And Hestia sat in the seat beside us. Takahashi pressed play on the TV.

And trust me, It wasn't something I was expecting. 

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