chapter twenty-four : lukes scars

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( WARNING : describing of gore )

Vanille looked at me, she gripped my hand tighter and looked back into the school. She speed walked in, dragging me with her.

" Alright. " Vanille spoke loudly.

" Where are you guys. We're here for Luke. " I continued for Vanille, also sort of raising my voice.

" You guys can't take all day! Look, I'm here. Hero Kat! " Vanille was smiling, but it was the kind of smile where you could tell they were annoyed.

" If only they told us where to go.. " I spoke, my voice going back to a normal tone since I was just talking to Vanille.

" I know. Come on, lets search. " Vanille grabbed my wrist and started dragging me through the halls.

Tsuki had the exact same blueprint as Taiyo. Just the school is way more beat up, dark, and looked like it came out of a horror movie. It was empty at the time. 

I could feel the fear building up, and up, and up. Even in Vanille. She went to Tsuki, but I could tell she didn't and still doesn't like it.

It felt like something was going to jump out and attack us at any moment. It was so hard not to use my powers to protect us, but they would be able to sense a Taiyo member if I even tried.

Vanille dragged me around for a bit, looking down the halls and everything. But than an idea popped into her head.

" The blade room.. " Vanilles eyes widened.

" The what? " My body started shaking more violently, Vanille gripped my hand tighter and my body stopped shaking as hard.

Vanille dragged me to another set of stairs.

" Okay.. You remember Hestia's plan? " Vanille asked, she looked up at me.

I nodded, tears were building up in my eyes but I had to hold them back. For Luke. Vanille knocked on the walls well coming down the stairs. Well walking down.. We saw them.

Amelia, and other Tsuki members.

The sweet and sour twins, literal embodies of sweet and sour tastes. Sour is a really rude person. She has shorter black her, all black eyes except for the iris which was a neon orange. And than her sister Sweet, she has longer black hair. Same eyes as her sister except neon pink. Sweet is a really nice person, except shes Tsuki.

Than there was Hestia's older brother, Hades. Her parents really like Greek gods. Hades is a really chill guy. But likes blood a little too much. They had him in handcuffs so I assumed he already tried hurting Luke. Hades has short dark brown hair and caramel skin. He has circle glasses with a purple tint in the lenses.

And than, there was Luke. Sitting on the ground against the wall. Bloody. He was tied up, he was looking down like it was finally his time to go. But I couldn't let that happen. Luke was just covered in his own blood, it was a sight that it hurt to see.

" So our little trick did work! " Amelia laughed. 

Sour looked at Vanille,

" You really had to dress your little slave up like a Tsuki boy? " Sour rolled her eyes.

" Well if I didn't dress him up, we would have been shot on sight. And he's not my slave- " Vanille crossed her arms.

" Anyways, we're here for Luke, Hero Death Sphere. " I took a deep breath. Trying to swallow down the urge to scream.

Luke looked up at me, His face was just basically a tomato. I could tell he was coughing/puking up blood earlier, because his mouth was leaking blood. How much did they hurt him..?

Amelia looked toward Vanille.

" I surrender. Take me. Kill me, or use me. Whatever you guys want. Just give Luke back to Car- Hills. " Vanille almost accidentally said my first name.

Amelia grew an evil grin on her face.

" You guys are on, first name basis? " Amelia stared at me.

" No- I just- accidentally almost said his first name. " Vanille tried to explain herself out of the situation.

" Yeah, I just call Hero Kat, Hero Kat. " I explained. I was starting to shake again. It was hard trying not to pass out. I wouldn't be able to tell you why the feeling of being within Tsuki scared me so much, it just did.

" You sure you want Lukey-boy? It was fun playing around with him. " Amelia turned to Luke. " Wasn't it Luke? "

Luke stayed silent.

" Right, Luke? " Amelia continued, she created a shield with a sharp edge and put it to Lukes neck, threatening him.

" Yes.. yes. " Luke gulped.

" That's what I thought! " Amelia smiled and made the shield disappear. Amelia faced us again.

" Give us back Kat. And than we'll give you Howler. If you refuse, we'll have him killed. " Hades explained, he was still in the corner.

" Look, I'm surrendering. " Vanille spoke.

She had her hands up, she went into the middle of the room and spun in a circle. Making eye contact with everyone except Luke and I. Vanilles eyes turned red, yet somehow the crowd didn't notice.

" Don't you guys wanna take me? Kill me, use me, whatever. Like I explained before.. " Vanille continued.

I felt a shiver down my back. Like a ghost entered the room. I looked behind me and there was no one there. I looked back to Vanille.

" So, if Hero Kat if yours now.. do we get Luke back? " I asked, I bit my tongue.

" UGHHHH. " Sour yelled putting her head down, she looked angry.

" Yes, Hills. " Sweet gave me a death stare, than grabbed Luke by the collar of his shirt and stood him up. She tossed him to Amelia first.

Amelia grabbed a pair of scissors and put them to Lukes neck. 

" Try taking Kat from us again and you're dead, Lukey-boy. " Amelia put down the scissors and pushed Luke toward me.

I caught Luke. I could literally feel all the slits on his body. They went overboard. The fear quickly turned into anger. I wanted to hurt everyone that was involved with hurting Luke. But I couldn't. I would mess up the plan and get us captured by Tsuki. So I didn't.

" There, take Lukey-boy. " Amelia laughed.

I grabbed Lukes hand. The only place on his body they didn't hurt really. He could barely walk, or even stand. We slowly walked up the stairs.

" It hurts, everything hurts.. " Luke spoke. His voice was raspy, blood still dripping from his mouth.

" I know Luke, I know. " I sighed. I was angry, more angry than I'd ever be. But I knew it would be my turn to help hurt someone soon.

I got to the top of the stairs, to see Takahashi standing there. I gave Luke to Takahashi, and Takahashi teleported them back to Takahashi's house. I took a deep breath, knowing in a few seconds.. would be one of the scariest fights of my life.

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