chapter four : dog.

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" CARTER! " Hestia screamed. I opened my eyes to see Hestia shaking my shoulders. I must've fallen asleep.

" What Hamilton- " I stretched and sat up properly.

" So much happened on the battle field when you were gone! " Hestia smiled. " But it's also time to go home, so come. " 

Hestia grabbed my hand and made me stand up. 

" Go get dressed so you don't look lazy walking down town. " Hestia chuckled.

" I feel bullied " I smiled back, I ran down the hall to the gym, and then into the changing rooms. I changed out from my hero uniform into my normal clothing. I put my school uniform and hero uniform into my duffel bag. I was just wearing black jeans with rips in the knees, white sneakers, and a white t-shirt with the Taiyo logo on it. which is just a half sun with the word '太陽' meaning sun, and how you pronounce it is Taiyo. So that's why our school is called Taiyo.

I walked out of the change room with my bag and back to the nurses office to see Hestia sitting outside of the doors waiting for me. 

" Finally. " Hestia chuckled as she stood up.

" Howler already home? " I asked.

" His mom came to pick him up " Hestia answered.

" As long as he's safe I'm alright " I started walking to the doors, Hestia walking beside me.

" Awe, you care for your best friend. " Hestia chuckled.

" Well I care for my friends because they're my friends. Thought that was obvious. " I smiled.

" Eh true. " Hestia continued.

We continued talking. Just having a conversation. We finally got downtown and I got to my apartment building. Hestia lives on the other side of the school, she just likes walking with me because she likes the brighter side of town. Her parents and siblings all went to Tsuki. But she wanted to go to Taiyo so she did. So Hestia lives in the darker side of town.

I waved goodbye and she left toward her house. I walked into the building. Used my key-card to get into the stairwell and started going up the stairs. I felt tired even though I didn't even fight. If I could, I would've just fell asleep right then and there. But I think I should make it to my apartment before I faint.

I finally got up four flights of stairs and to the floor my apartment was on. We used to live in a house which was in the quiet neighborhood area's of the bright side of town. But when I was about 12 my father passed. Leaving us with way less money. We got kicked out and my mom got an apartment in the busy downtown in the bright side of town. We've been living here for now about four years. My father did a lot of illegal things. One day he got into a fight. He got beat up so bad he passed.

I walked to the end of the hall on the fourth floor. Apartment 412. I unlocked the door with my keys. My mom wasn't home yet. Or at least I thought she wasn't. She usually has work now. I opened the door and this small blonde haired dog runs toward me and falls onto my feet. opening her legs showing she wants belly rubs. I closed the door and just stared at the dog.

My mom giggled. 

" I see she likes you Carter. " my mom smiled.

" How- How'd you get the money for a dog-? " I picked the dog up and she started licking my cheek.

" Your aunt came over this morning well you were at school. She said she got a dog but couldn't be around for her. She said she'll pay for dog food and everything. " My mom smiled. " Her name is Basil by the way. " 

" She's adorable- " I was still in aw. This dog was so adorable. " What breed is she? "

" Toy poodle and schnauzer cross. " My mom stood in the kitchen, still smiling. 

" So she'll stay tiny forever-!? " I smiled. I hugged Basil with one arm, and used the other arm to put my bag down. I sat on one of the chairs at the counter top in the kitchen. " She seems so young too- " 

" She's still a baby. " My mom said. She was just standing there and smiling. Not at the dog but at me. I put Basil back on the ground.

" thanks mom " I chuckled. I recently hit the 6'1" mark (ft), so I felt very tall compared to my mom. she's 5'8" (ft). I stood up and hugged her.

" I love you Carter, you tall bastard. " My mom giggled.

" I love you too mom. " I chuckled and backed from the hug. I sat back down again. Basil fell asleep on the ground.

" So, tell me everything that happened at school today. " My mom stood at the other side of the counter.

" Well uh, Tsuki got a new member and called us to a fight today. " I spoke.

" Oo, were they strong-? " My mom asked.

" They said her name was 'Kat'. She didn't have a hero costume though. Just normal clothing. but she had a face mask that said 'ネコ'. like the animal. " I continued. " But her power is flying. so I'm confused why Kat as her hero name. "

" It could be her first or last name. Like you have telekinesis and you're hero name is Hills. Because its your last name. " My mom answered.

" True. But she almost killed Howler today. " I commented.

" Really!? " My mom looked shocked. She always liked Luke. We've been friends since forever. In junior high I was the only person in our class he knew, and he was the only person in our class I knew. So we started talking more and now he's my closest friend aside from Hestia. 

" Before he could attack, he turned to Takahashi and said he couldn't use his power. And than 'Kat' flew into his back and sent him flying into a nearby forest. His face was broken and his shin bone went through his skin. " I explained.

" Is he okay!? " My mom looked very worried.

" I took him to go see Nurse Easdale. She healed him. " I answered.

" Oh thank god. That poor boy. " My mom answered.

" At least he's alright now. " I spoke.

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