chapter fifteen : it can't be

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Everyone exited the classroom and went to the front of the school. We just had to walk to the entrance of Taiyo. And somehow Easdale and Takahashi would get Hero Kat here. 

I was silent when we were exiting the classroom. I wasn't scared the first two times we faced her, but this time I was. I was getting a gut feeling we were going to get hurt. Or worse.

" You okay Carter-? You've been silent for too long. " Hestia walked beside me.

" I just don't feel right. Something is going to happen. I can feel it. " I spoke, I kept my sight to the ground. My teeth clenched. I could feel my body shaking.

" Carter you're shaking. " Luke added, he was to my other side.

" I know- I just- " I tried to speak but words wouldn't come up my throat. I never really knew what fear felt like. I felt, worried before. But, this was fear. I was scared. I didn't want anyone to die..

" I'm going to tell Takahashi- gut feelings are usually right- " Hestia added.

She ran up to the front of the group where Takahashi and Easdale were. I couldn't even tell her no. It felt like my mussels were frozen. I couldn't speak. I was shaking. My teeth were locked down. I didn't know what was going on with myself.

Soon before I knew it, Takahashi was at the of the group with us, just Easdale leading everyone.

" Hills whats wrong-? " Takahashi spoke, he stood beside me. This made me feel very short. I'm about 6'1 and he is 7'0 (ft). My teeth stayed clenched. I couldn't move my mouth to speak.

" He said he feels like someone is going to get very hurt during this fight. I think he's too scared to talk. " Hestia covered for me.

" Wow, I've never seen you scared Hills.. If you want you don't need to fight with us. We have everyone here. " Takahashi continued.

I could hear in his voice he wasn't telling the truth. He did need me even though everyone was here. He needed all the help he could get. Hero Kat is one of the most powerful heroes. No one knows her power, and it seems like she could have multiple. 

I was finally able to speak, my voice still shivering.

" No I- I'll still fight. I just, feel uneasy at the moment. " I answered.

" Alright, if you guys need my help just call me again. " Takahashi nodded and went back to the front of the group with Easdale. 

I was still shivering.

" You sure you can fight Cart-? You look like you're going to be sick. " Luke looked worried.

" Yeah, " I shook my head. " I just need a moment to breathe. I'll be fine. " 

I took a few deep breaths. Hestia and Luke were trying to help me breathe. My breath finally got to a normal paste. I'm so grateful for those idiots. 

" Alright we're here. You guys stay here, Easdale, you know what to do. " Takahashi announced to the group.

" Yes sir. " Easdale went through the border from normal earth to Taiyo and Tsuki. 

" What is she doing Takahashi-? " A kid from the front of the group asked.

" Easdale is going to find Hero Kat, and somehow lead her back here. I forgot the idea, Easdale thought of it. " Takahashi explained.

Soon before we knew it, Easdale was running back into Taiyo. About a foot behind her was Hero Kat. Hero Kat was wearing a white hoodie, with a blood red hood and sleeves. She had black ripped jeans, a white beanie, and white sneakers.

Everyone quickly circled her, including Easdale. Hero Kat looked at Easdale right away.

" Oh my god. I should have known it. I can't believe I fell for your lies again. " Hero Kat spoke.

" Again-? Do you guys know each other-? " Takahashi looked at Easdale confused. But Easdale stayed quiet.

" So. You guys really want me that bad huh. " Hero Kat spoke. It was loud enough for everyone to hear. " This, is going to be fun. You guys make the first hit. I'll wait. "

" You're letting us go first-? " Hestia spoke up, confused.

" Well of course. " Hero Kat chuckled.

Everyone went in on her. I did too, but I kinda stayed back. Hero Kat's voice kept ringing in my head. I knew it. I just couldn't remember what it was. Maybe I do know her-? Kat's eyes turned red as soon as everyone started running toward her.

The fight was- scary- cool- I don't know how to describe it. We still couldn't tell what her power was, it was almost like she had them all..

The thing I noticed though, was Hero Kat was fighting everyone, she was fighting them. But whenever I tried, she for some reason just, flew me away from her. Like she had telekinesis as well, but she would fly me away lightly. Not hurting me, but hurting everyone else. This made me fear we could know each other more.

Things were going by too fast. It was about 30 people vs 1 person yet somehow Hero Kat was still winning. It seemed like people lost their power when she attacked them. Maybe her power is- no that's impossible. She can't, steal other peoples abilities from them, can she-?

Even though Easdale's power is healing, she's still heavily trained in fighting. That's why she has all the gadgets on her belt. She was also fighting Hero Kat, but she was going so easy on her..

A while later, everyone was either on the sidewalk waiting to be healed by Easdale, or on the sidewalk because they were very tired.

It was only Takahashi, Luke, Hestia and I left.

Takahashi then made a move he shouldn't have. He teleported behind her, I think this scared her because she grabbed his arm and snapped it right over her shoulder. She turned to look at him.

" Oh my god I'm sorry- " Hero Kat actually looked like she knew she messed up.

Easdale ran in and took Takahashi to the sidewalk and went to go heal him. I've never seen Takahashi in pain before. It was weird.

" Look, Hero Kat. " Luke said, he flew to the ground to face her. " You destroyed Tsuki, why not just join us-? " 

" I don't want to. " Hero Kat answered.

Luke looked like he was about to fly up again but couldn't. She then flew right into him and he tumbled down the street. Easdale went to go save him too. It was only Hestia, Hero Kat, and me left on the battle field.

" Look why don't you guys just give up. There's no point in fighting me. " Hero Kat spoke again.

This time Hestia was invisible and behind her. Hero Kat made eye contact with me. Her eyes flashed back to blue and then red again. She looked into Hestia's direction, and used telekinesis so fly her into a building. Hestia became visible again, she slid down the building onto the sidewalk.

I just stood there. I was the only person left for her to fight. But she was refusing to fight me. Hero Kat took one last look at me. She pushed me to the ground with telekinesis and started to walk away. It wasn't even a hard push. I was fine.

" Hey! " I spoke up. I was kind of angry. She was willing to fight everyone else except for me. 

Hero Kat stopped walking.

" WHATTT. " She wined, she turned to face me.

" Why aren't you fighting me!? You're fighting everyone else except me! " I answered.

" I can't. " Hero Kat crossed her arms, still looking at me.

" And why is that-? " I asked. The only time she every hurt me was when she hit me with webs. It didn't even hurt me terribly. 

" Because I-.. I just can't. " She continued.

" Well that's a stupid answer. Give me the actual answer! " I was getting more angry by the second. She was lying to me. 

" I just- Just believe me dude. I can't hurt you. " Hero Kat answered, she turns to start walking again. Everyone on the sidewalks was looking at her in awe.

" It would be easier to believe you if you weren't lying! " I couldn't stand up. She was using telekinesis to hold me down. I couldn't even use my powers. I wanted to fight her. Not even to get her into Taiyo. I didn't even know why I was angry with her. I just was.

" I-.. " Hero Kat was silent for a few seconds. She turned to face me. " You know I'll see you again. "

That saying. It's too familiar. It matched her voice. I remember her now. It can't be-

" V-Vanille!? " 

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