chapter fourteen : takahashi's plan

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I woke up. I don't think I've ever felt more hungover in my life. But the thing was, I didn't even drink any alcohol. The night before was a three person party. Or four if you count Basil.

The staring at the photo of Hero Kat lasted for about an hour. I don't remember the transition, but I remember us suddenly doing karaoke, playing uno (the most violent card game ever when played with Hestia and Luke.), and just being idiots.

I woke up in my bed. I don't remember going to sleep if I were being 100% honest. I was laying in my bed, blanket on the floor. Luke was laying at the end of my bed on top of my feet with Basil on top of him. I couldn't see Hestia though.

I sat up to see uno cards scattered all over my floor. I have a tiny room since its a one bedroom apartment. My mom got the bedroom. I got the what used to be a laundry room before they made the laundry downstairs for everyone in the apartment to share. 

My bedroom is normally messy, but having Hestia and Luke over always made it x50. They always helped clean up though. 

And it seemed like I was the first one awake.

I kicked my feet flipping Luke off my bed. Basil just rolled into my lap. Somehow still sleeping.

" OW! " Luke yelled. " That was very rude. "

Luke chuckled,

" Where's Hestia. " I laughed.

" Shes- I don't know. " Luke looked confused.

" Well I mean she could be invisible right now. " I answered.

I put Basil at the end of my bed and she continued sleeping. I stood up and helped Luke up. We never got dressed to go to bed. We were in the same clothes we were before.

Luke and I walked out and looked for Hestia. She wasn't in the living room, the door was still locked, both locks, so she couldn't have left, she wasn't in the bathtub. (yes, last time we had a sleep over she literally slept in the bathtub). 

We couldn't find her.

" Did she go through the window-? " Luke asked.

" The only person in this apartment that would survive that fall would be you because you can fly, Luke. " I chuckled.

" Right. " He nodded.

We continued looking. She wasn't anywhere. We went back into my room. Luke went onto the floor to look under my bed.

" She's not here either. " Luke spoke, he stood up again.

" Where the hell could she be-? " I asked.

But then I accidentally leaned onto the switch on my wall the turned on the fan. The fan started to swing, and then a messy haired Hestia fell onto the ground. She groaned.

" Such a nice way to wake me up. " Hestia spoke. She had eye bags under her eyes.

" How- How did you get up on the fan-? " I chuckled. Luke fell to the ground laughing. Hestia was already laying on the group face up.

" I- You know I don't remember. " Hestia spoke. " Luke probably flew me up there. " 

" I can see that. " I answered.

" Hey don't we have a mission in like- an hour. " Luke giggled, he was still on the ground laughing.

" True. " I walked over to the end of my bed and grabbed my bag. I took my hero costume out of it. " You guys bring your costumes-? "

" I'm wearing mine. " Hesita chuckled.

" Mine is stained with blood, but I have my spare here I think. " Luke stood up and walked to my dresser.

He keeled down to the bottom drawer, aka the drawer both him and Hestia took over. He grabbed his hero costume out. It was the exact same as his costume from before, except this one isn't soaked in blood.

" I'll go get dressed in the bathroom. " Luke left the room and walked to the bathroom.

I looked down at Hestia. She was still on the floor.

" Hestia. " I spoke.

" What. " She answered. Hestia has her eyes closed like she was about to go back to sleep.

" I have to get dressed. Please leave the room. " I chuckled.

" Fineee. The floor is comfy. " Hestia stood up and left.

I got dressed. The black jump suit, white gloves and boots, and black face mask. Very simple hero outfit. I put my clothing I was wearing before into my clothing hamper.

I picked up Basil and left my room. I put Basil onto her dog bed in our living room. Luke was sitting on the couch on his phone. He was wearing his hero costume, I already explained it before but I'll explain it again. Like I did with mine.

He was wearing baby blue jeans, a white long sleeve shirt and white shoes. He has a white blindfold around his eyes that he can see through, but others can't. He also has fake angel wings on his back. His hero name being 'Air Beast'. Because he can fly.

" Where's Hestia this time? " I sat next to Luke.

" She's in the bathroom brushing her hair so she doesn't look like a cave man. " Luke answered.

" Ah okay. " I answered.

I leaned back in my seat and looked up. I sighed, because where I looked up there was the picture of Kat taped up on the roof. Her looks were familiar like I seen her before. But her voice just rang so many different bells in my head. I just couldn't understand where they were coming from. If she actually knows me, I'd be pretty scared.

" Alright let's go donkey's. " Hestia exited the bathroom. She was still wearing the same clothing from yesterday. Her hair was now back to how it always looked and it wasn't messy anymore.

" I'ma say bye to my mom first. Then we can leave for school. " I stood up and walked to my moms room.

She was still sleeping. So I walked to my kitchen and grabbed a sticky note and a sharpie. I wrote a note saying goodbye and I should be back soon. I grabbed Basil, who was still sleeping. I walked into my moms room and put Basil onto the bed. Basil just slept beside my mom. I put the note onto my moms nightstand and exited the room. 

" Now lets go. " I smiled.

I opened the door, Hestia and Luke walked out. I locked the lock on the door handle and closed the door. We started walking.

" I wonder what Takahashi's plan is. I really do not wanna cat call again. " Hestia sighed.

" Me neither. " Luke replied.

" If we have to wear our hero suits, I'm assuming we're going to try fighting her. " I answered.

" I can see that. " Hestia replied.

We walked down the hall and down the four flights of stairs. We got down the the lobby. The women at the desk wished us good luck, because she saw us in our hero costumes.

We mostly just talked about how much we don't wanna do this. If Hero Kat was refusing so much, she probably didn't want to be apart of Taiyo or Tsuki. I never met anyone who wasn't apart of a team though.

" All this fighting feels like a fever dream. Like usually we'd be at school by now, because it's Monday. But we're going to school late, and going to fight Hero Kat. " Luke explained.

" It scares me that she might get to fed up with us she could kill some of our classmates. " Hestia added.

" She's killed so many Tsuki members but no Taiyo members so far.. " I replied. And its true. No Taiyo members have been killed by Hero Kat. Only Tsuki members.

" Well, we'll have to wait and see what happens. " Luke added.

We continued walking. We stopped talking about Hero Kat and more about random stuff. Probably just to get the idea of fighting out of our heads. Kat is very powerful. Fighting her will be difficult. Very, difficult.

We finally got to school, and into our classroom. I walked in with Luke and Hestia. I found it a little weird. I wasn't used to seeing everyone in their hero costumes well in the classroom. We seemed to be the last few to get there. Everyone in the class was wearing their hero costumes. Even Easdale. To be honest, I didn't even know she had a hero costume. Her hair was in a lose ponytail, and her two blue streaks were out in front of her face.  She had a red t-shirt with black sleeves, a black belt with gadgets in it, black boots and black fingerless gloves, and the same red has her t-shirt for pants. She had a tiny nurse hat pin on her shirt. Showing her ability.

Takahashi was in his hero costume as well, but its just a black t-shirt and blue jeans. Both him and Hestia have the no-hero-costume-but-hero-costume look.

Hestia, Luke and I sat in our spots. Which was just the spots Luke and I were in, but Hestia on the table beside the windows.

" Alright, everyone is here. I'll start explaining. " Takahashi spoke.

He sat up from his chair, Easdale sat down in his spot. Takahashi walked up to the white board and started explaining the plan.

" We found a way to get her to come into Taiyo, so the Zero twins won't have to do so much work. Easdale and I already have that taken care of. " Takahashi explained

" You guys just have to focus on the fighting, and of course we'll be helping. " Easdale added.

" Yes. So here's the plan, " Takahashi started drawing out the plan on the board as he explained it. " Easdale and myself will lead Hero Kat into Taiyo. I want all of you to wait her along the street, and when she comes in, we'll circle her. So she can't escape. And we'll fight. "

" This sounds like we're kidnapping her. That's pretty illegal. " Hestia added.

" Well, uhm. Shush. " Takahashi turned back to the board, everyone had a slight laugh. " Anyways, everyone ready? "

Everyone nodded or spoke. Seemed like everyone was ready. I nodded with the group, but I wasn't ready. I knew I wasn't. All this stuff scared me.

We could die.

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