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I shot awake at the sound of a heavy door slamming closed. I looked up and around the room i was in, it was dark and felt weird. As i looked to my left i saw what looked like a electro shock device, and yes i know what that is. My mom used to have one for one of are dogs to stop here from bitting, it never actually worked she just kept doing it anyways. I tried moving but looked at my wrist to see that they were tied up, even though i could easily get out of this i just wanted to see who decided to capture me. 

"I know, we shouldn't have taken her an all but we had too so we can get more information on Jacob. I've been watching her and Jacob for awhile and she kind like his right hand women or something like that. Yea and i know Tammy isn't gonna Approve of it. What she doesn't know wont hurt" he sound to be in his 20 or something or maybe younger than that. But he also sounded a bit scared too. 

I sat in this wooden chair for about two hours just looking at the door waiting for someone to walk in, even if i don't know them. It gets really boring being alone, even though i've basically been alone a lot throughout my life. 

Finally the door decided to open and comes in that one kid that Jacob had a picture off on his desk, he looked to be in his early twenties. And then comes some guy who looks like one of Jacobs men. He was about john's height long brown beard, he looked like a nice guy on the outside but may be a huge dick. Well that's what Jacob told me, that this guy can be a pain in his ass most of the time. Trying to take his region. 

After a minute or two they finally say something, "So you're Jacob right hand women, you don't look like someone Jacob would want to be by his side in battle" Ok now i get why Jacob hates him, this guy is a complete asshole.  "Um, excuse me i'm tougher than i look, dick" Looking at him with anger and hate trying to intimidate him. "Sweetheart,  if you were strong how did you get captured but a kid like him. No offense" I just really want to punch this guy in the face right now. 

"Im better than you think i am, if you let me out of this chair i'll show you how strong i am" he laughed at my comment, " You really think i'm gonna let you go that easily. Im gonna use you i'm not gonna hurt you, i'm just gonna try and get Jacob to think i'm hurting you to get him out from hiding. Then when he's out of hiding i'm gonna strike and take him in for what he's done" I knew that Jacob would not come out of hiding for just me, maybe his brothers but not for me. "Your very funny if you think Jacob will come out of hiding, he doesn't care about me enough to do that. He may just bring hell to you for capturing one of his people, but he's not gonna come find me" He's to heartless to do that, i get where together and all but he's not gonna ruin his plan for little ole me.   

It's been at least a couple of hours that i've been here , maybe this is the wolf's den. I don't know, the only thing i really know is that Jacob isn't coming for me. As bad as i sounds he really doesn't even care about me. I've seen it in his eyes he's not in love with me like i am with him, but it's fine though it's not like i'm gonna be able to change his mind at all. 

After a few more minutes has past i fell right asleep, its not the most comfortable way to sleep but it's something. I was in my second dream by now, and was rudely woke up with a bucket of water thrown on me, "What the actual fuck was that for you dumbasses" i looked up and there he was. 

 "Hey Pup"

Sorry to be cutting this short, but i want my next chapter to be way longer. Since i haven't been writing in a long time now. Sorry for the people who have been waiting for a next chapter i'll try and get the next chapter up by tomorrow. Please comment to try and give me ideas in for future chapters.

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