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Sophie's POV
When your life was once perfect and you make one stupid discission that would change your life. My parents were as normal and loving as other parents they wanted the best for me and my older brother Ryan, even though he was quite rebellious and I was the opposite.

Did I mention my family are werwolves we moved when I was ten years old. We live in a mostly human town there a few packs around. Anyway long story short, I was out with Kelsey and was late for my curfew when my parents had to come for me.

I was arguing with my parents I never go out usually I stay at home and study I wanted a night off sue me. I was interrupted from my thoughts when suddenly our car flipped and spun around a few times before stopping. Luckily my parents wolves healed them quickly, I on the other hand would take a few days to heal I wasn't 16 so I don't have my wolf to heal me.
My mother screamed I got out of the car and saw a male wolf with his jaws in my father's throat killing him instantly I started to cry, before my mother shifted she told me to run fast don't look back no matter what I hear, so I took off running I knew my mother wouldn't make it I felt a stabbing pain in my heart which stopped me. The bond with my parents was broken they're dead.

Joseph Wescot is an Alfa of the Silver Moon Pack he wanted only two things in his life to become a high school teacher and to find his mate however so far his second wish has not come true. He had a lot of female admirers but never paid them any attention all he wanted was his mate.

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