Chapter 1 - Story of My Life

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Sophie's POV

Today like always after my parents death before school my brother wakes me up for my daily kick Sophie in the morning routine. However today was extra brutal with the kicks because I didn't wake up early to make his breakfast. My stupid alarm didn't go off to wake me up. He only kicks my stomach in the mornings so no one at school notices that I get abused.

He kicks me 7 times on my abdomen I no longer cry or scream I know to keep my mouth shut or he'll only kick me harder but I'm used to this now weird I know how can anyone be use to being kicked daily but I am.
When he's finished he yanks me up by my arm and tells me how he wishes I was never born, mum and dad are dead so now he's stuck with me. "I'm staying at Amara's you worthless bitch but I still want the house cleaned when I get back tomorrow" and then he slammed my door shut and drove off to Amara's.

At least I can come home clean and do my homework in peace and not get tortured tonight, night time was the worst. I go to the bathroom take off my pyjamas look in the mirror at my forming bruises on my abdomen then I brush my teeth and leave my long blond hair leaving it trailing down my back. I then apply some makeup I'm not into a lot of makeup but can't leave the house without some on. I head to my wardrobe and pick out my black crop top, high waisted white skinny jeans to cover my bruises and black sandals. I go to the kitchen grab a granola bar and an apple take the keys out of the bowl and lock up, I eat as I walk to school.

Once at school I breathe a sigh of relief I love school, it's the only place I feel safe in, plus I want to become a vet so good grades are a must. On the weekends I work in my father's vet practice for experience mostly but it also helps pay some bills. I work as a receptionist but when we're closed for surgeries Nigel the vet lets me clip the pets fur for surgery I also stock up chemicals and medicines etc... I do love it.

My school has both werwolves and humans in it, my bestie Kelsey is a werewolf like me she hasn't shifted yet not until her birthday this year. My birthday is only a week after hers, we're only 15 we have to be 16 to get our wolves. Anyway Kelsey like me loves school and wants good grades she wants to be an Oncologist. I meet Kelsey at school who as always upon seeing me squeals and runs at me I prepare myself for the hug of death. She's always so supportive of me and my situation at home she and her folks are the only ones I've told about Ryan and sometimes his mate torturing me daily.

We reach our lockers which are right next to each other, she proceeds to tell me today's gossip that we have a hot new English teacher, really has the school not got anything better to talk about.

Both Kelsey and I say our goodbyes when the bell rings for form class (that's home room in the U.S.) After attendance Mrs.Clarke says we do have a new English teacher. Jessica the school slut and it girl says "I heard he's fresh out of Uni I hope he's yummy looking." Mrs.Clarke clears her throat and glares at Jessica "eyes up front Jessica." Then Mrs.Clarke returns to her seat as the bell rings for our first class.

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