Chapter 11 - Marked and Mated

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Warning ⚠️ this is an adult chapter the next chapter will include some adult content as well not suitable for younger readers.

Sophie's POV

Joe has been so stressed lately with all the rumours of rogues about to attack he's been spending more and more time in that stupid office he only comes to bed late like at 2am when I'm asleep then he's left before I wake up. It's after 4 in the afternoon I've just finished my maths homework. I have been thinking more about wanting to be marked it's only natural for a werewolf to be marked and shortly after they'd have to be mated to complete the bond, their wolves encourage it.
Tiana was getting on my last nerves as I decided if it was the right time, I'd never had sex before and I couldn't ask Kelsey cause she hasn't either, I was freaking out and Tiana wasn't helping. "Common you know it'll be great, he'll take care of us, nothing to panic over I want to properly mind link with Ace" I could feel her pout if wolves could pout. 'Alright but don't push me I'm already nervous here' "I won't I'm right here with you."

I looked out the underwear I'd thought I'd never wear that time Joe went crazy and bought underwear I wasn't comfortable wearing well time to be 'Sexy' I shoved on the black lacy underwear as quickly as I could so I wouldn't change my mind. I threw my robe over me and walked to his office. I knew there was no meetings and he would be alone I didn't hear or smell anyone else in the office.

I knocked on the door hands shaking and waited "Sophie you don't have to knock come in baby." He sounded exhausted well hopefully I'll cheer him up. I walked in oh boy is he hot his hair was all messed up, his jacket over his seat and top two bottoms of his shirt undone. "Ding Dong hello handsome" Tiana was hitting the roof excited. "Hey um I-I" Oh common don't loose your courage now I was telling myself. "Babe you ok I know I've been busy I'm sorry I shouldn't ignore you, you'll have my undivided attention I promise." He signalled for me to come over so I sat on his knee and put my arms around his neck tugging on the ends of his hair and pulled him in for a passionate hungry kiss. Tiana was like a cheerleader in my head. He pulled back when we were both out of breath. "I want you to mark me" my statement must have shocked him but then he rubbed my back "Are you sure Sophie I don't want to rush you, you've been through so much I don't want to hurt you." Wow could he get any better, I nodded my head, I stood up grabbed his hand and led him back to the bedroom.

His kiss is gentle at first then he's nipping my lip and I let his tongue assault my senses when I feel the wall behind me I begin to unbutton his shirt, I hate buttons he removed his shirt as my hands slid down his fine muscles earning a growl from Ace. He kissed me then left trailing kisses down my jaw every time I moaned I earned more nipping kisses down my neck, and when he hit the spot between the base of my neck were he'd mark me I became a moaning mess. Unable to feel my legs he slid his hands down till he squeezed my bum "OOHH" I moaned as he grabbed my legs hauling me up the wall, were I wrapped my legs around his waist.
He started ripping off my robe and stopped when he saw the underwear I wore for him. "Tttt nasty girl and I thought you wouldn't wear that for me, well I wonder how it will look off." I was blushing like crazy God I think I forgot how to breath. He chuckled kissing my blushed cheeks and his hand slides up my thigh as he carries me to the bed gently rubbing soft circles over my soaked fabric of my pants, making me feel things in my core I'd never felt before. I turn to molten lava at his insistent stroking as he reaches the top of my pants. My need for him increases as I trail my hands down his perfect abs to his belt as I start to fumble he pulls away and takes them off standing in his boxers. I can see how big he is. He bends down to kiss me as he trails his kisses down my body stopping at my bra before I know it he's removed it feeling exposed to the cold air I fight the urge to cover my boobs as he assaults them first feather light kisses as his other hand massages and plays with my other breast I grab his hair as he sucks and then bites down hard on my nipple I scream in pleasure and then he does the same thing with my other boob.
God is the only word I can describe him. His hands move down my stomach to my pants were he puts his hand through the fabric and rubs my sensitive clit my hips move on their own free will as he sticks one finger and then another "JOE" I moan as he groans when he hears his name. "So ready for me, your beautiful you know I want to eat you." Before I remembered what he said he literally ripped my pants off and slid down between my legs. "AAHH Joe don't stop" He was doing what he said he'd do I could feel his tongue lap me up, this feeling in my stomach was building and building with his hand still massaging my boobs and tasting me I exploded, my legs felt like jelly as I screamed when my climax hit.
He removed his boxers and his dick sprung out ready he lay on top of me "Soph I can't wait I have to be bonded with you, now if your having second thoughts now is the time to say cause I don't think I can hold back any more. Your amazing and oh so tasty my wolf wants you so bad, I can't tell you it won't hurt but I know you'll soon enjoy it." I don't want to stop I want to be all yours Joe." That was all I needed to say, Joe leaned down to kiss me on my neck and as his canines protruded and sank into my skin so did he plunge his dick inside me at the same time, I screamed from the pain of both, he didn't move and slowly I felt his canines leave my neck as he licked and sucked his mark to clean it and I only felt pleasure from his mark. I wriggle my hips adjusting to the feeling of him inside. I wrapped my legs around his waist wanting to be close and as deep as possible. I arched my back when he began sucking on my mark again, "I need more Joe" I breathed out.
I slid my nails down his back earning a growl, he starts to pull out, I miss him but then he slowly sinks all the way back in. It's painful but dissipating "Joe more baby" he increases the speed of his thrusts pounding into me now I'd never felt so whole, I love this man who saved me. My legs tightened around him pulling him as deep as I could inside me his nails digging into my waist, as he pounded wildly in and out of me. "I'm so close baby" I could barely get the words out. "Let it out babe come for me" he pumped in and out so fast the feeling of him inside me pushed me over the edge "AHHH J-JOE!" I screamed as I came and he pumped one more time until he groaned as I felt his release explode inside me, his dick still buried deep inside me he collapsed on top of me as we both came down from our high. We were fully mated now I can't wait to look at my Mark in the mirror.
After a while he slowly pulled out of me and rolled onto his back, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me close. "Ssh sleep babe that was the best, thanks for being my mate." I looked up as he fell asleep resting my head on his chest I fell asleep in my mate's arms safe and extremely satisfied.

I woke up sore in places I didn't know I could be sore in and then the amazing memories of last night resurfaced in my head. Wow how badly I wanted to do it again, he was so good to me. I grabbed Joe's shirt from last night and put it on to cover my naked body I carefully and silently so as to not wake my mate got up. I raced to the mirror to look at my mark. It was still red around the edges but I clearly saw the silver moon crest and Ace Joe's wolf at the bottom. I heard the shuffling of sheets as I turned around Joe was awake oh I love his morning hair. "Well what do you think now that you are all MINE" he growled out huskily. I blushed furiously hiding behind my hair but it was too late I've been caught. "Haha babe I so do love it when you blush at me, how are you feeling after last night." He grabbed the bed sheet wrapping it around his waist and joined me. "I loved it, way better than I thought I would Your mark on me is beautiful." He then made me lie down and insisted on making me breakfast in bed I could get use to this.

(Above is a Pic of Sophie's mark, I found it on the internet)

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