Chapter 15 - Caught in a Trap

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(Above a disgusting pic of a leg-trap snare)

Sophie's POV

The formal was 4 weeks ago Kelsey and Jackson are fully bonded now. I'm in Joe's office going over some paperwork on new homes for some newly mated couples Kelsey's being one of them. Joe's been having problems with hunters around the packs Territory. I suddenly felt nauseous, I bolted to the bathroom and barely made it to the toilet my hair was pulled back and Joe was rubbing my back I tried to get him to leave I didn't want him to see me like this, but he wasn't budging. When I finished I got up on shaky legs and almost fell back down when I felt arms hold me up. Joe kissed my head, and I brushed my teeth and washed my face to feel more refreshed the past week I've felt like I had the flu.

I kept throwing up I couldn't keep anything down so Joe called his mum to take me to the pack doctor. Joe was again in the office I get it he's worried but I would like to be with my mate but he's always working either pack work or school prep. When he does come to bed it's in the early mornings when I'm fast asleep.

Nora arrived and we left for the doctors office. He checks my temperature it's normal, he asks Nora to kindly wait outside once she left, he asks me when my last period was. I was a little taken back by the question. "U-um maybe like 4 weeks ago but I'm sure it'll come soon sometimes they come late  right." He couldn't be suggesting what I think he's suggesting I'm pregnant I'm only 16. "Well we'll know more when you've finished in the bathroom." He hands me a cup I take it into the bathroom and do my business, I wash my hands fixing myself I look in the mirror I look like a scared little girl. Once back in the room the doc takes my sample and said it'll take a few minutes for the results and he leaves to run a pregnancy test on it. "I'm ok, I'm ok" I chant to myself meanwhile Tiana was happily yipping and jumping around at the possibility of carrying our mate's pup. Dear god the suspense was killing me how long is this going to take.
The doc came back into the room and sat down. "I have wonderful news Luna" yes I'm not pregnant I think he was waiting for me to ask him results. "Well what's the news?" I blurted out impatiently. "It looks like your just over 4weeks pregnant congratulations." He smiled as he said it I wanted to swipe that smile off his face right now, instead I started to cry. "W-What NO IT CAN'T BE, you must have got the test mixed up with someone else's." I was freaking out now. "No I'm 100% positive you are pregnant, I know it's a lot to take in and you are young but you have your wolf, mate and pack to help and support you. Would you like me to bring Nora back in." After a couple of steadying breathes "No the first person I should tell is Joseph." He nodded gave me some pre-natal vitamins which I put in my bag I shook his hand and left the hospital with Nora. Nora asked what happened I just said he confirmed I had the flu and she dropped the subject, I hate lying to Nora but as the father of our pup Joe has to know first.

I thanked Nora as I go into the kitchen Joe's there he looks raged, but he couldn't have known anything I just got back, he stormed past me. Not talking to me I kept shouting for him to come back what's wrong with him. He slammed the door and I burst into tears, why, oh yeah freakin' hormones. Then his voice entered my head "Baby Don't cry I'm sorry I ran out I'm not mad at you, don't ever think that. I know we're the hunters are I'm taking wolves with me we're ending this." Oh no he could get killed and he doesn't know he's a father yet. I must help him, but I paused, "the pup" it came out like a hushed whisper. I'm helping my mate I know whilst I protect the pup Tiana will protect our mate. I get Joe some clothes I strip out of mine and shift in the house I carry both sets of clothes in my mouth and bolt through the woods Tiana following her mate's scent.

I feel like my hind left paw has been severely severed and I howl in agony, but when I look at my paw it's fine, my eyes widen when I realise in horror "MATE, MATE IN TROUBLE" I bolt as fast as I can, my paws bounding off the ground. I hid in a thick overgrown Bush when I see my Ace caught in a silver snare trap and a scent that burns my nose, a very familiar scent to me wolfsbane. Ace is growling at the hunters that have gathered around him, as he tries to stand he attracts more hunters the wolfsbane stops him from moving that leg.

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