Chapter 10 - Shopping and Girl Time

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Sophie's POV

I needed a break from my thoughts when Tiana saw those pictures she was almost as pissed off as Joe and Ace. I'm of course upset I need to get out and today is Saturday that means only one thing shopping for a formal dress. This years theme is Mascaraed which I'm buzzed for I always wanted to go to a Mascaraed, and now I can the guys only came with us because we need the right underwear for our dresses.

We were shopping with Nora and Sarah (Kelsey's Mum). They were loving it even more than us which is something. Nora took us to a store designer you could design your dress with the owner she was a werewolf of our pack. Whilst we decided on our designs the guys went to the games arcade. Once Kelsey and I were done with our designs we all met up at Subway for something to eat.
Nora and Sarah left whilst we went to get masks Kelsey and I found masks as close to the colour of gowns as we could get. As we promised we went to Victoria Secret next Joe grabbed my hand and practically dragged me into the store whilst I heard Kelsey snicker at me I looked over and glared at her as she and Jackson casually walked in holding hands.
Joe grabbed a basket and once he knew my sizes he went crazy selecting very sexy out there underwear I wouldn't be caught dead wearing, he tried to get me to model them I was not having it trying to hang them up. Like a sneaky brat he put them back in the basket. "Babe you will be wearing these if you don't want to model them now fine, but I promise you'll want to later." He whispered in my ear making goosebumps appear I wasn't cold instead I felt heat everywhere, wow what is he doing to me. Much to Kelsey and my annoyance both Joe and Jackson we're getting things we were astonished with, we kept glancing at each other as if saying 'what has come over them, I ain't wearing that.' The guys caught our appalled faces and winked whilst heading to the checkout, god we're done for.
Once home Joe took my new lingerie that I wasn't planning on ever wearing up to our room meanwhile Kelsey wanted me to give her a master class on how to cook something so she could surprise Jackson tomorrow with a romantic meal. So I decided on one of my favourite french dishes Chicken Cordon Bleu as I went through all the ingredients writing the recipe down for her I made the meal so she could watch how it was done then I put it in a tub aware for her to take to her family, armed with the recipe and the food I plated up our meal for tonight Spaghetti Carbonara. The guys must have smelt the food cause I didn't have to call them and we all sat at the table enjoying our meal.
We were excited about the formal even he guys where somewhat into our conversation.

At this point everyone in school including the humans knew about my relationship with Joseph. To be honest I was relieved I at least didn't have to hide my relationship with him. Of course Jessica and her brats always gave me glares because I snagged him first, but what am I suppose to do he's my mate of course she didn't know that, but after a week she started talking about other gossip I was so relieved Tiana wanted to claw her eyes out a couple of times for talking 'behind my back about Joseph' but I always forced her back reassuring her attacking her wouldn't be worth it.

Anyway Joe and Jackson were putting our snacks together whilst Kelsey and I much to our mates annoyance watched and sang perfectly to Pitch Perfect 3. After that we let our mates watch their favourite Jeepers Creepers biggest mistake of my life. Kelsey and I were petrified Joe lifted me onto his lap, hiding my head in his chest the entire movie. I could feel Joe smirking if I wasn't scared I'd slap his face. He kissed the top of my head and rubbed his hand comfortingly up and down my back. Finally the movie was over and Kelsey and I both got off our mates laps much to their disappointments by the sounds of the groans I smiled and grabbed Kelsey for a big hug because Jackson had to take Kelsey home. Once Joe and I cleaned up, he left me alone to go to his office for some pack work.

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