Chapter 3 - Day Off From My Abuse

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Sophie's POV.

I have to admit my English teacher isn't just cute he's HOT! Weird thing is though he kept staring at me the entire lesson guys don't usually even look my way, but he was definitely staring at me. Oh well only thirty minutes left till the end of school usually I don't look forward to the end of school but in this case my brother wouldn't be at home to beat me.
Plus today is Friday my weekend of work starts YEAH! as I daydream about my weekend plans the teacher Mr.Wescot handed me my homework as I went to take it our hands touched I felt this sudden electrical current type feeling shooting up my arm warming my body. I gasped at the feeling but quickly regained my composure before any of my class mates noticed.
Once the bell rings I immediately gather my things and flee the classroom I'm the second one out. I find Kelsey she was more interested in what I had to say about the new English teacher she was bummed she didn't have the same class as me. We chatted a while I agreed to text her after work and her parents collected her. I started to walk home as I grab the house keys from my bag I get a feeling I'm being watched but for some reason it doesn't scare me I feel safe instead. I open the door toss the keys back in the bowl run up to dump my bag in my room and head to the store cupboard get out a brush, mop and bucket I start cleaning the kitchen, then I move onto the rest of the house when I'm finished I cook one of my favourite chicken dishes Chicken Kiev and rice. I put the plate in the dishwasher I get changed into my work clothes and grab the keys from the bowl lock up and start walking.

Once I'm in work I put away my coat and bag in my assigned locker and inform Nigel that I'm here. I begin stocking the medicines in the back, then put away surgical stuff left by the previous nurse she never puts anything away it really bugs me. Then I move onto making up the collars for the pets. I then sort pet records in order and get the patient cards out for this evenings patients for Nigel, then the phone rings so I answer and book a woman's pregnant dog in for a scan. Mr.Jefferys walks in with Tommy his obese Cairn Terrier for his weekly weigh-in and health check as I great both of them. I knock on Nigel's door to tell him Tommy's here and go back to my desk to answer another call.

After work it's now 8:30pm I am exhausted from cleaning and working but I love the work so I shouldn't complain. I have to walk home with the flashlight on my phone cause it's so dark and the road is uneven. I quickly turn around when I hear a twig or something snap behind me. I see a very large mainly black with little bits of white around his throat and muzzle, he is definitely werewolf too big to be an average wild wolf it slowly approaches me. I feel safe around him so I sit down and he lies down resting his head on my lap he starts to close his eyes as I scratch his ears. His tail then thumps the round excitedly. After a while I move his head so I can stand up he stands on all fours and I say "bye" and leave for home.

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