Chapter 17 - Exams What Could Go Wrong

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*Picture of Tiana with her Amulet.

Sophie's POV

It's hard when you have exams and pups coming pretty soon I am so stressed out with studying and exams even though I usually do pretty well I'm still even more freaked, but that could be down to my hormones making the situation worse. Werewolf pups can shift up to a year old for safety reasons so they can keep up with their parents.

Anyway today I prepare for my French exam it's the only other language I speak. Although I'm confident in my knowledge of French I'm still nervous like always before exams. I get up and shower I then wrap my towel around me and brush my teeth I dry and curl my hair. I walk into my wardrobe with underwear on I put a maternity tank top and a blue silk shirt over it. I pull up my floral print yoga leggings and my comfortable floral flip flops. I didn't bother with makeup today. I left my room and suddenly got a sharp cramp that made me hold my stomach and hunch over with the pain, I took several calming breaths as it passed. Joe was still asleep when I left the room. My English exam was over last week and he didn't have to attend school today but he would drive me to school, how big of him. I made some bacon and cooked waffles and soaked it down with some orange juice as Joe arrived to grab some coffee.

He drove me to school and kissed me as he said to give me a call when the exam was over he also wished me luck and I waved him off. We were ushered into the Assembly Hall were all the exams took place. We were informed of the rules as if we didn't know them already, you know you couldn't talk to each other and we then had 2hours to complete the exam. As we began the exam the same sharp cramp came back in my stomach, I had just finished my fourth question when pain in my back halted my progress. I kept moving in my chair to get comfortable, but it was only intensifying. My stomach felt hard now not normal. Could this be labour I forgot about continuing the exam, I didn't want to disturb anyone but I couldn't help it the pain was too great. Just before I raised my hand my water broke shit it's happening these pups really have got timing. I focussed on my Lamaze training using my hand to rub my sore stomach.

The teacher helped me out of my chair and ushered me into another room. I rang Joe straight away he was panicking as I hung up on him. I'm guessing he drove really fast because he was by my side within 15 minutes. He helped me into the car and once he was in he drove really fast too fast until I screamed for him to slow down he was making it worse. The pain was increasing so I started to scream again as I counted between my contractions I think I still had plenty of time but I'm no midwife. "YOU IDIOT it'll be a while before I give you any more pups." All I could focus on was my Lamaze training during my contractions.

Once we were at the hospital Joe picked me up out of the car and gathered my bag and began to run to the maternity ward were he had already mind-linked the pack doc and midwives to be ready. I was placed on a bed and the midwife lifted my top and attached electrodes and put the foetal monitoring belt around my stomach. My midwife Juliane put my feet into the stirrups to check how dilated I was she said I was a good seven centimetres so I was going quickly well hopefully it will all be over soon. I grabbed Joe's hand tightly and squeezed ignoring his hisses of pain it was nothing compared to what I felt right now and I had to do this twice. I let go of his hand when the contraction was over and took more deep breaths. I asked for the epidural and Juliane left to get it. She came back and helped me into a sitting position as she inserted the needle into my spine and waited for it to take effect.

I was now numb from the waist down, happy days it's now been five hours since I first went into labour. I was sweating so bad. Juliane told me when I got a contraction to give a big push and hold it for as long as I could. I did this for over an hour Joe holding my hand through the whole time rubbing my back and encouraging me as I pushed. "Well done Luna now the next few pushes I want you to give shorter pushes so you don't tare as much." I just nodded.
After over another hour of pushing I heard the most incredible sound of our baby crying. "Congratulations Alpha and Luna our future Alpha is here." Joe hurried over to Juliane and cut his umbilical chord.
Juliane checked his vitals informed us he was perfectly healthy, she put a nappy (diaper) on him and swaddled him in a cosy blanket before placing him in my arms. I'd never felt such joy and love than when I look at him. "If it's ok Luna I'd like to break your other waters." I nodded my head not taking my eyes off my son he looked like a carbon copy of Joe except he had blondish hair like mine. I kissed the top of his head cooing at him. "You're the best thing I ever had." I whispered to my little boy. I told him I loved him, kissed his head again as he fell asleep I handed him over to Joe. He cautiously and carefully took him from my arms looking rather nervous. I told him the baby would be fine as long as he supported his head, he made sure to do exactly that.

This time my labour was quicker within half an hour I was holding my little girl and our baby boy remained in his father's arms. After Juliane checked me she left us alone. After 20 minutes I unfastened my gown held a pup in each arm as Juliane came back in to help me nurse them. After about 10minutes they started to get the hang of feeding. When they were finished Joe and I winded them and Joe placed them in their cots for a sleep. We told Juliane the baby's names. Our son was named Gareth Bryson Wescot and our daughter was named Isabella Hazel Wescot (Isabella was my mother's name.) I decided to take a well deserved nap I was extremely exhausted Joe kissed my temple "good job baby I love you so much, thank you for the family, sleep now I'll wake you up later for something to eat." I nodded my head slowly and shut my eyes. After what felt like only 15 minutes turns out it was an hour nap. Joe handed me a plate of Lasagne and kissed my head. I ate as I watched our pups start to wake, I finished and Joe helped me up it was time to change them. Here we go the start of forever with my munchkins.

Nora and Johnny arrived after we finished changing their nappies to see their grand babies. They both came up to me one at a time and hugged me congratulating us. I wish my parents were here Joe picked up on my sudden sadness and lay down next to me wrapping his arms around my shoulders. Johnny picked Isabella up and Nora picked Gareth up cooing at their lovely faces I nudged Joe to start taking pictures of them together. An hour later they gently put the pups back in their cots and said they'd be back tomorrow to visit again.

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