Chapter 5 - Birthdays and Shifting

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Kelsey's POV

"Oh my god my little girls 16 today Happy Birthday sweetie." My mum said as they both came in absurdly early to wake me up. "Thank you mum." "Are you excited to meet your wolf, we can pop over after school to help you through it."  "No dad I'll be fine Sophie promised she'd stay with me." "Ah yes dear Sophie she has always been a good friend no more like sister to you, if only her family was as loving." My father loved Sophie like a daughter he and Sophie's dad were best friends too.

They left me to get changed, I went to the bathroom took of my pyjamas found my mint scented bubble bath and got in to relax. My mind drifted off to my best friend our lives turned out so differently I hoped she would find her mate and leave that dumb junkyard brother and his whore mate. They didn't deserve to have family like Sophie, she was a gem so why hurt and break a gem like her. Interrupted by the now cold bath I stood and got out draining the tub and drying myself. I wrapped my dressing gown around me took my hair out of its bobble and brushed the stubborn curls. Today was a special day so. I straightened my hair and put it in a side braid. In my walk in wardrobe I picked out a simple grey tank top and a plaid red and black shirt, some black ripped skinny jeans and black converse I shoved spare clothes in my bag for later, grabbed pain killers and bottled water also for later.

I ran down stairs and was greeted by the aroma of my favourite pancakes white choc chip drizzled in syrup, with bacon on the side. Mum was an excellent cook, Sophie was amazing and agreed to teach me something on her birthday. Her brother always took off on her birthday so we'd have a girls week. I ate and packed my school homework in my bag and went to meet dad in the car.

Once I saw Sophie waiting at the school gates I was appalled and shocked she had a massive hand print around her neck. She had tried to cover it up but the bruise was too black, that bastard he never left any marks above her collar bone cause he didn't want people to notice. I guess he broke his fucking promise. Seeing my face she frantically shook her head. "Not today girl it's your day and I don't want to talk about it. Happy Birthday!" I smiled and hugged her to me longer than usual I wanted to comfort her in a way especially if she didn't want to talk about it. She smiled and took out a smallish box like present for me to open.
"Sophie I told you not to get me anything" she looked at me like I had two heads. I ripped of the paper and opened the jewellery box. "It's the most beautiful bracelet and in my favourite jewel." Inside was a Ruby and diamond bracelet. "Hey it's not everyday my sis turns sixteen." I couldn't help but hug her again removing it from the box which I put the box in my bag, and put the bracelet on my left wrist. I would have to take it off later so I don't break it when I shift.

During school and by the way everyone stared at Sophie's bruise I glared and stood in front of her to protect my sis they got the picture and averted their eyes, Sophie was great-full and always thanked me

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During school and by the way everyone stared at Sophie's bruise I glared and stood in front of her to protect my sis they got the picture and averted their eyes, Sophie was great-full and always thanked me. Why does she feel the need to thank me of course I had her back.

After school Sophie and I ran into the woods behind the building so no one would see us. I stayed in my clothes I don't want to freeze besides I packed clothes for this reason I put my bracelet in its box and stood awaiting the pain.
Ryan would torture Sophie so bad for this but she was adamant she was staying she'd deal with the consequences later I didn't like that, but I could never win an argument against Sophie. Then searing pain ran down my back I fell to the ground as Sophie stopped my head from hitting a rock. The pain got more unbearable. "I can't do this I'm gonna die Soph" I kept screaming that and tears falling down my face I was never good with pain. Sophie was a god sent she soothed the pain in my back "Your gonna be ok hun it will pass soon I promise, when it does you'll be with your wolf I'm not leaving you I'll be right here the entire time." Eventually she stopped patting my back "Girl open your eyes your a beaut." As I opened my eyes flash she snapped my pic I looked down at my paws, I was a russet colour. "My god I'm FABULOUS" I heard a weird voice and turned my head frantically the voice laughed at my reaction. " I'm your wolf Pippin relax Kelsey jeese, lets go for a run Sophie will understand we must bond, the best way is to take a run I promise not to leave Sophie by herself too long COME ON ALREADY!"

 " I'm your wolf Pippin relax Kelsey jeese, lets go for a run Sophie will understand we must bond, the best way is to take a run I promise not to leave Sophie by herself too long COME ON ALREADY!"

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After our run Pippin went to the back of my mind and I thought of my human body and started shifting back my bones ached muscles in agony. Just then Sophie reached out my clothes I changed and she hugged me lightly. "Hun here take the painkillers then you can tell me everything thing and leave nothing out ok." I told her everything my wolfs name is Pippin and she's kind of vain just then I heard "hmmmmff" Pippin didn't like that I said that about her but the truth hurts. After a minute Sophie walked me back to my dad waiting in the car I said we'll take you home she didn't object and we drove to her house she hugged me. I didn't want her to get out I kind of figured it wouldn't be good but she left shut the door and went inside.

Contains violence and some language not suitable for younger readers anyone who wishes not to read this part can skip to the next chapter.

Sophie's POV

Once inside my brother slapped me so hard I stumbled back. I tried to apologise but he interrupted. "Where the Fuck were you Twerp." He dragged me by my hair to the kitchen "AAHH" I cried out my scalp in agony. I saw Amara smirking in the corner. "Quiet bitch, Amara had to feed me so for your punishment both Amara and I will do the honours she'll finish the job I get the first round, he turned me quickly ushering me to the torture area in the basement.
He cuffed my wrists from the ceiling always hung the chains that he secured to my cuffs I've been here plenty of times I know what comes next. He reaches into his box of torture pulls out a riding whip. The first few hits are the worst after a while you become numb. Like I already knew the first hit knocks the air out of me. Silent tears follow as he continues his harsh punishment yelling at me the entire time. "Why the hell were you born surely to punish me, your a joke you'll never find your mate if you do I'll make sure you wish you never met him WORTHLESS COW." His words hurt more than the physical pain.
Half way I was numb now my legs had given out I was hanging by my wrists unable to stand. The puddle of my own blood slowly grew, then I was over he put the whip away undid my cuffs I fell to the floor in a heap. I tried to stand but couldn't the third attempt I was met with a swift kick to my stomach, I lay there I could no longer breath, Amara kept kicking me it didn't take long before I was out cold.

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